5th century (4)

Rome did not fall because of external forces such as the invasion by the barbarians. Rome had no sufficient inward base; the barbarians only completed the breakdown-- and Rome gradually became a ruin.How Should We Then Live, 26

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As the Roman economy slumped lower and lower, burdened with an aggravated inflation and a costly government, authoritarianism increased to counter the apathy. Since work was no longer done voluntarily, it was brought increasingly under the authority of the state, and freedoms were lost.How Should We Then Live, 26

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the Council accepted the Tome of Pope Leo as a safeguard against Eutychianism, and the letters of Cyril as a safeguard against Nestorianism; but it also accepted what had been taught positively by the Alexandrians on the unity of Christ's Person, by the Antiochenes on the reality of his two natures, and by the Westerns on both these truthsCouncil of Chalcedon, 349

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