About Theology Quotes
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15 ESV
Our Purpose
Theology Quotes started in 2011 and has since expanded with major updates in 2016 and 2024.
The goal of the site is to help store helpful theological quotations across a wide range of topics.
This is in order to help the lay person, Pastor, Scholar, or anyone else in accessing knowledge that points to Christ and Scriptural truths.
In doing Sermon Prep, Bible Studies, or leading family devotions there can be great value in accessing quotes and knowledge from the Universal Church.
The website is open so that anyone can submit quotes into the system.
They do go through an approval process which mainly seeks to ensure that content is of a Christian and Scriptural background.
About Myself
My name is Stephen Ramsay, I am a husband of 11 years, and father of 4 children, and we live in Alberta Canada. I'm a member of
Fellowship Baptist Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
Other Info
Who posts the quotes?
Over the years many different people have posted quotes, there is an account system on the website where users can track their own quotations