Children (11)

Give me the man around whom the children come, like flies around a honey-pot: they are first-class judges of a good man.Lectures to my Students

454      2024-02-04     0
For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.

1.3K      2023-12-26     0
Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.

1.2K      2023-12-26     0
If a parent were explicitly to ask the question of a fair and plain-speaking friend, familiar with that parent's children, and competent to judge them, What do you think is the chief fault - or the most objectionable characteristic - of my son - or daughter ? the frank answer to that question would in very many cases be an utter surprise to the parent, the fault or characteristic named not having been suspected by the parent. A child may be so much like the parent just here, that the parent's blindness to his or her own chief fault or lack may forbid the seeing of the child's similar deformity.Hints on Child Training, 34

1K      2018-10-31     0
The unfriendly criticisms of neighbors, and the kind suggestions of friends, are not to be despised by a parent in making up an estimate of his child's failings and faults.Hints on Child Training, 32-33

1K      2018-10-31     0

New Quotes

As for those parents who will not use the rod upon their children, I pray God He useth not their children as a rod for them.A Puritan Golden Treasury

235      2024-04-28     1

But if a boy has a bright mind and positive preferences, and is ready to study or to work untiringly in the line of his own tastes, and in no other line, it does not always occur to his parents that just here - in this reluctance to apply himself in the line of wise expediency rather than of personal fancy - there is a failing which, if not trained out of that boy, will stand as a barrier to his truest manhood, and will make him a second-rate man when he might be a first-rate one; a one-sided man instead of a well-proportioned man. Such a boy is quite likely to be looked upon as one who must be permitted to have his own way, since that way is evidently not a bad way, and he shows unusual power in its direction.Hints on Child Training, 32

1K      2018-10-31     0
Something really seems wrong to me when parents want to take their children in the most formative years and put them with other children and other adults to shape their attitude and behavior in worship rather than having them right there to shape them. Why wouldn't parents be jealous to model for their children the tremendous value that they put on joyful reverence in the presence of almighty God?

1.1K      2016-08-14     0
Of course, it is over their head. It is supposed to be over their head. They are beginners. The English language is over their head as soon as they come out of the womb. But we don't say: Well, let's put them with other children in their own situations and limitations so they can understand a word or two. No. We immerse them in the English language every day that they don't understand 90% of in the hope and expectation that they grow up into joyful use of the English language. Long before children understand fully what is going on in worship and what is sung and what is said, they are absorbing tremendous amounts of what is valuable.

1.1K      2016-08-14     0
The greatest stumbling block for children in worship is parents who don't cherish doing that worship, they don't love it, children can feel the difference between duty and delight. They know if Dad loves being here.

1.1K      2016-08-14     0

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