Discipline (13)

the following are specific areas addressed in Scripture that require Church discipline: personal sin committed by one member against another member of the church; egregious/public moral failure; heretical teaching; divisiveness; idleness; confirmed sin among the church's leaders.Sojourners and Strangers, 199

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It has been remarked, that when discipline leaves a church, Christ goes with itA Treatise on Church Order

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church discipline is a proleptic (or anticipatory) and declarative sign of the divine eschatological judgement, meted out by Jesus Christ through the church against its sinful members and sinful situations.Sojourners and Strangers, 184

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it is important to teach our children that every instruction is to be obeyed right away. As they get older, they may be allowed to enter into discussion about our instructions, but that discussion should follow an act of obedience, not determine whether or not they are convinced of our position.Family Driven Faith

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Admonition is a lion which few dare come near, for fear it will tear them in pieces.

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Some fathers exasperate their children by being overly strict and controlling. They need to remember that rearing children is like holding a wet bar of soap — too firm a grasp and it shoots from your hand, too loose a grip and it slides away. A gentle but firm hold keeps you in control.Disciplines of a Godly man

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The right of discipline belongs to the Church; those who despise this discipline are rejecting not just men, but God, who has appointed such ordinances for our edification.

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Why is discipline important? Discipline teaches us to operate by principle rather than desire. Saying no to our impulses (even the ones that are not inherently sinful) puts us in control of our appetites rather than vice versa. It deposes our lust and permits truth, virtue, and integrity to rule our minds instead.

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to the degree you try to add exhortation, instruction, and deep meaning exchange to spanking, you'll make a mess of them all. Spanking itself is profound instruction, so just be quiet and do that work.Daddy Tried, 115

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Discipline is love. To neglect discipline is to be loveless. When God disciplines us, He is bearing testimony-precious testimony-that we are His sons. We belong to Him and He loves us.Daddy Tried, 108

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The church is distinguished and contained by the right administration of baptism and the Lord's Supper. It should also be noted that this latter mark presumes and implies the practice of church discipline.The Church: The Gospel Made Visible (Kindle Locations 745-746). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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It is not advantageous to correct in secret an error which occurred publicly.

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