Quote 1003

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Are we seriously to believe that human personhood is a matter of mere location, inside or outside the womb?http://www.albertmohler.com/2011/09/16/thrown-over-the-fence-infanticide-canadian-style/

If you had the opportunity to detonate a building and you weren't sure there was human life inside, would you still blow it up?180 Movie

1.2K      2011-10-03     3
Abortion is not a complex issue. Few moral issues could be clearer. As Mother Teresa said, "If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong."Catholic Christianity (235)

1K      2016-07-23     2
The exact moment of the beginning of personhood and of the human body is at the moment of conception.Dr. McCarthy de Mere, a medical doctor and law professor at the University of Tennessee http://prolife.com/FETALDEV.html

1K      2016-06-09     1
By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception.(Dr. Hymie Gordon, Chairman of the Department of Genetics at the Mayo Clinic) http://prolife.com/FETALDEV.html

1K      2016-06-09     1
Statistics show that a soldier's chances of survival in the front lines of combat are greater than the chances of an unborn child avoiding abortion. What should be the safest place to live in America - a mother's womb - is now the most dangerous place.

1.3K      2016-05-20     1

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