Quote 1373

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To claim that the Paul of Galatians was exercised over the terms by which Gentiles can belong to the people of God while overlooking his (still more fundamental) concern with the dilemma facing all human beings responsible before God is to suffer from a peculiarly modern myopia.Justification Reconsidered, 18

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For Gentile believers in Christ, to be circumcised now would be a disaster, not because they would unnecessarily take on requirements binding only on Jews, but because they would be abandoning Christ, whose death is the sole means by which Jews and Gentiles alike can find righteousness; and they would be embracing life under a covenant that can only condemn them. Such is the thrust of Galatians.Justification Reconsidered, 14-15

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the words for "righteous" (dikaios) and "righteousness" (dikaiosyne); it is typically used in a legal setting, where it means "declare innocent", "find righteous", "acquit."Justification Reconsidered, 8

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