Quote 1511

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Preachers should not give sinners what they desire; but give them True Food until, by the Spirit, they taste and see that the Lord is good!

3K      2011-08-23     4
How could we have such a low view of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have to manipulate men psychologically to get them to come down and pray a prayer? ...How many times have I heard evangelists say, "It'll only take five minutes."? No my dear friend, it will take your life-all of it! "We're just trying to attract people and then we'll gradually bring them in further and further." That is what the cults do, that's not what Jesus did. Notice that in the gospels every time a great crowd is following Jesus, he turns around and says something so radical to them that most of them walk away. Of course Jesus probably would not get invited to teach evangelism

1.9K      2011-08-07     2
Go offer your employer how much you offer God, see how long you last.

1.7K      2011-08-07     2
It makes me so angry, when men treat the glorious gospel of Christ as though it was a first step into Christianity, that takes ten minutes of counselling, and then you go onto greater stuff.

1.9K      2011-08-07     2
We don't know how much we've sinned in the same way a fish doesn't know how wet it is. Sermon: The Greatest Words in All of Scripture

3K      2011-08-07        2
It's Christ or nothing. And you better want it that way. Why? If it was 99.99% Christ and 0.01% you, you'd go to hell. http://youtu.be/9W2fuFWUIL0 (around 54 minutes in)

1.9K      2011-08-07     2
The doctrine of the Trinity is simply that there is one eternal being of God - indivisible, infinite. This one being of God is shared by three co-equal, co-eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.https://www.aomin.org/aoblog/1998/04/29/a-brief-definition-of-the-trinity

The distinction is, that to the Father is attributed the beginning of action, the fountain and source of all things; to the Son, wisdom, counsel, and arrangement in action, while the energy and efficacy of action is assigned to the Spirit.Institutes, Book 1 Chapter 13

1.1K      2017-04-22        1
In modern day evangelism, this precious doctrine [of regeneration] has been reduced to nothing more than a human decision to raise one's hand, walk an aisle, or pray a "sinner's prayer." As a result, the majority of Americans believe that they've been "born again" even though their thoughts, words, and deeds are a continual contradiction to the nature and will of God.

1.7K      2011-08-07     1
Do you wonder about the trials in your life? Well let me just let you know the purpose of them is to cut away everything in your life, so that Jesus does become your life, and it's worth it.

1.8K      2011-08-07     1
Am I saying that a Christian is without sin? No, because in 1 John we learn that Christians do sin and if any man does not acknowledge his sin he knows not God. He's not walking in the light. So what is the difference? What am I really getting at? What I am getting at is this: If you are a genuinely born again Christian a child of God. You will walk in the way of righteousness as a style of life, and if you step of that path of righteousness the father will come for you. he will discipline you . he will put you back on that path. But if you profess to have gone though the narrow gate, and yet you live in the broad way. Just like all the other people in your highschool just like all the other people who are carnal and wicked. The Bible wants you to know that you should be terribly terribly afraid. You know not God. Sermon:Shocking Youth Message

2.2K      2011-08-07     1
You need grace! But someone says if you throw that much grace around it will be a liscence for sin. Only among the unconverted Church members. Oh they will take it as an excuse for sin. The genuinely converted will say this, if grace be such. If it be so large and so wide... depths I cannot sound. Then oh let me be holy! Unknown

1.8K      2011-08-07     1
False teachers are God's judgment on people who don't want God but in the name of religion plan on getting everything their carnal heart desires. That's why a Joel Osteen is raised up. Those people who sit under him are not victims of him, he is the judgment of God upon them, because they want exactly what he wants, and it's not God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWMrKcFKqzk

1.6K      2011-08-07     1
The ontological trinity will be our interpretative concept everywhere. God is our concrete universal; in Him thought and being are coterminous, in Him the problem of knowledge is solved. If we begin thus with the ontological trinity as our concrete universal, we frankly differ from every school of philosophy and from every school of science not merely in our conclusions, but in our starting-point and in our method as well.

582      2024-01-14     0
The goal of the Christian life is the pursuit of an intimate knowledge of God that leads to a greater estimation of His worth, a greater satisfaction and joy in His person, and a greater giving of oneself for His glory.

686      2024-01-10     0
when two things are contrary or diametrically opposed to one another, to receive the one is to reject the other. Since there is no affinity or friendship between the gospel and the world, to receive the gospel is to reject the world. This demonstrates just how radical the act of receiving the gospel can be. To receive and follow the gospel call is to reject all that can be seen with the eye and held in the hand in exchange for what cannot be seen. It is to reject personal autonomy and the right to self-government in order to enslave oneself to a Messiah who died two thousand years ago as an enemy of the state and a blasphemer. It is to reject the majority and its views in order to join oneself to a berated and seemingly insignificant minority called the church. It is to risk everything in this one and only life in the belief that this impaled prophet is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. To receive the gospel is not merely to pray a prayer asking Jesus to come into one's heart, but it is to put away the world and embrace the fullness of the claims of Christ.

661      2024-01-10     0
We rob men of a greater vision of God because we will not give them a lower vision of themselves.

752      2024-01-10     0
The Gospel does not call us to receive Christ as an addition to our life, but as our life.

635      2024-01-10     0
When will we realize that one of the greatest mission fields in the West is the pews of our churches every Sunday morning?

681      2024-01-10     0
the proof or validation of genuine conversion is that the one who professes faith in Christ perseveres in that faith and grows in sanctification throughout the full course of his life. If a person professes faith in Christ and yet falls away or makes no progress in godliness, it does not mean that he has lost his salvation. It reveals that he was never truly converted.

761      2024-01-10     0
Men and women who are used of GOD, if I had only a few words to describe them, they are the passionate-weak, they are the violently-desperate.

720      2024-01-10     0
It is only against the pitch blackness of the night that we see the glory of the stars. And it is only against the pitch blackness of man's radical depravity that we can begin to see the glories of the gospel.

772      2024-01-10     0
Avoid trivial pursuits. You are a child of God, destined for glory, and called to do great things in His Name. Do not waste your life on hobbies, sports, and other recreational pursuits. Do not throw away the precious moments of your life on entertainment, movies, and video games. Though some of these things can properly have a 'small place' in the Christian's life, we must be careful not to give undue attention to temporal and fruitless activities. Do not waste your life. Employ the time of your youth in developing the character and skills necessary to be a useful servant of God.

603      2024-01-10     0
I used to tell young preachers, in order to preach you've got to have the power of God on your life. Now I tell them, in order to tie your shoes you've got to have the power of God on your life.

748      2024-01-10     0
Idolatry is when you become the source of your own joy. Poverty of spirit is a wonderful thing.

534      2024-01-10     0

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