Quote 1532

if God be the Founder, Owner, Governor, and Benefactor of families, then families are jointly to worship God and pray unto Him.

Thomas Doolittle

How May the Duty of Family Prayer Be Best Managed for the Spiritual Benefit of Every One in the Family?

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How many evils is man exposed to, whether he be at home or abroad! Anacreon lost his life by the kernel of a raisin going wrong down his throat. Fabius, a senator of Rome, in a draught of milk swallowing a small hair, was strangled. Do not your daily sins cry aloud for daily punishments? And should you not in daily prayer cry as loud that God in mercy would prevent them?How May the Duty of Family Prayer Be Best Managed for the Spiritual Benefit of Every One in the Family?

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what monstrous wickedness it is! God hath kept you all safe in the night, and yet in the morning you do not say, "Where is the Lord that did preserve us? Come, come, let us give joint praises to Him!"What God is to Families

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