if a strict view on divorce and remarriage were taught in our churches, there would be fewer divorces among believers. Marriage would be entered into with more caution, and marriage partners would seek to preserve that union at all cost, for there would be no second chance. If for no other reason, a husband's sexual needs will motivate him to maintain the marriage in a healthy condition, for if he fails he will be left to a single life!Divorce Myth, 123-124
Since the God-ordained marriage union is lifelong, to marry a divorced person would be to enter into an existing marriage and hence, to commit adultery.Divorce Myth, 121
Since God's "divorce of Israel" is metaphorical, there is no implication that a divorced believer would be biblically qualified for the office of pastor/elder or deacon.Divorce Myth, 106
The United States Census Bureau reports that in 1920 there was one divorce for every seven marriages, in 1940 one divorce for every six marriages, in 1960 one divorce for every four marriages, in 1972 one divorce for every three marriages, and in 1977 one divorce for every two marriages.The Divorce Myth, 12