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The main theme of Ephesians is easy to summarize with the phrase unity in the inaugurated new creation. Paul starts out teaching at some length on the church's unity as it is rooted in God's counsel and then in his redemptive accomplishment in the incarnate Son sealed to believers in the Holy Spirit. We see throughout Ephesians the rich, biblical teaching of a full and free salvation accomplished by the triune God and received by faith alone. But biblical faith is a living faith, which necessarily manifests its presence through loveEphesians, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015), 35

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Union gathers up faith union with Christ, mutual indwelling, trinitarian, and nuptial notions. Participation conveys partaking the events of Christ's narrative. Identification refers to believers' location in the realm of Christ and their allegiance to his lordship. Incorporation encapsulates the corporate dimensions of membership in Christ's body.Paul and Union with Christ

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"Believers partake in these central Christ-events, so what is true of Christ in his resurrection and ascension is true also of those who believe in him.Paul and Union with Christ

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f there is one theological theme to which Ephesians contributes more than any other Pauline letter, it would be his theology of union with Christ. While it is prevalent in his other letters, especially Colossians, the theme of union of Christ is deeply woven into the fabric of Ephesians. It is central to every other major theme in the letter, such as salvation, Jew and gentile reconciliation, the church, walking in the light, and spiritual warfare. Indeed, it could be argued that union with Christ is the single most essential theological ingredient for the argument of Ephesians. 2 Corinthians 13:11Pillar Commentary

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though the practice of magic was illegal in the Roman Empire, and was regarded socially deviant, it nevertheless flourished in Ephesus. As such, Ephesus has been described as a "metropolis for magic," with a reputation in the ancient world for its widespread magical practicesPillar Commentary

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Ephesus was the "mother city" (metropolis) for Western Asia Minor (western Turkey today) in several respects. It was the third-largest city in the Roman Empire at the time, and it was a major political, economic, social, and religious center. Home to one of the seven wonders of the ancient world—the temple of Artemis—Ephesus attracted a steady stream of visitors for the purposes of worship and commerce. It was a desired destination, bustling and glamorous.Pillar Commentary

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Paul may have felt that some of the content sent to the Colossians would be relevant to other churches in the region too, so he reused and expanded it to create a general letter. The impersonal nature of "Ephesians" is therefore by design so that it would be equally appropriate for churches in general rather than just one specific church.Pillar Commentary

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Ephesians is rightly regarded as one of the most significant letters of human history. As grandiose as that may sound, adulation for the letter to the Ephesians can hardly be overstated. It is, in its own way, majestic, profound, exhilarating, and—if its message is taken seriously—nothing short of earth-shattering. Its scope is cosmic, addressing the whole of creation—including physical and spiritual realms—and eternal, addressing the mission of God before the foundation of the world through to its ultimate fulfillment in the age to come.Pillar Commentary

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A devastating earthquake in AD 23 stunted the growth for a while, and the effects of Mark Antony's pillaging of the city also continued to cause the growth to be slow in the first half of the first century AD, when Paul was present in the cityEphesians, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2015), 34

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