Quote 2485

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If we never have headaches through rebuking our children, we shall have plenty of heartaches when they grow up.

2.5K      2024-01-15        2
The primary place for children to receive formative instruction is in the home. Sunday school, VBS, Christian summer camp, Christian school, or even your church's youth programs cannot replace the family. The home is the place where we present a culture that is distinctly Christian.

1.2K      2018-10-13        2
When we focus on our children's outside behavior and neglect what is on the inside, we will cause our children to become manipulators.Don't Make Me count to Three, 34

374      2024-02-07        0
The heart is the control center of life. Behavior is simply what alerts you to your child's need for correction. But don't make the mistake that so many parents make and allow your desire for changed behavior to replace your desire for a changed heart.Don't Make Me Count to Three, 33

379      2024-02-07     0
Act lovingly to your children. In all your counsels and commands let them read love. Love will command honour; and how can a parent but love the child who is his living picture, nay, part of himself. The child is the father in the second edition.The Ten Commandments, 135

429      2024-01-12     0
When your children are grown up, put them to some lawful calling, wherein they may serve their generation. It is good to consult the natural genius and inclination of a child, for forced callings do as ill, sometimes, as forced matches.The Ten Commandments, 135

428      2024-01-12     0
God often punishes the carelessness of parents with undutifulness in their children.The Ten Commandments, 135

428      2024-01-12     0
Timothy's mother instructed him from a child. 2 Tim iii 15. She not only gave him her breast-milk, but 'the sincere milk of the word.'The Ten Commandments, 134

429      2024-01-12        0
You conveyed the plague of sin to them, therefore endeavour to get them healed and sanctified.The Ten Commandments, 134

431      2024-01-12     0
Parents who spoil their children out of 'love' should realize that they are performing acts of child abuse. Although there are no laws against such abuse--no man-made laws anyway--this spiritual mistreatment may result in as much long-term personal and social damage as the worst physical abuse.

561      2024-01-05     0
Don't forget that the most effective form of child abuse is giving a child everything they want.

554      2024-01-05     0
Parents, as tangible representatives of God's authority, must understand and practice biblical consequences rather than the rewards and punishments of behaviorism. The sowing and reaping principle shows the way.Instructing a Child\'s Heart (Kindle Locations 1023-1025). Shepherd Press. Kindle Edition.

1K      2018-12-11     0

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