Quote 2603

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It appears how necessary it was that Christ the mediator should be both God & man. For if He had not been man, He would not have been a fitting sacrifice; and if He had not been God, the sacrifice would not have been sufficient.Marrow of Theology

470      2024-05-02     1
Theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God.

582      2024-02-25     1
It is because man is conscious of his dependance that he is a religious being. And it is because he is conscious of his obligation that he is a moral being.

1.2K      2024-05-20     0
Religion is not only the natural, but the necessary, product of man's sense of dependence, which always abides as the innermost essence of the whole crowd of emotions which we speak of as religious, the lowest and also the highest.

1.2K      2024-05-20     0
Justification, of course, has no degrees and is completed at one moment and in only one act. Yet, in manifestation, consciousness, and effects it has many degrees.The Marrow of Theology, 161

332      2024-04-26     0
Sincerity is a Christian virtue, as is honesty about our struggles. But my generation needs to realize that Christianity is more than chic fragility, endless self-revelation, and the coolness that comes with authenticity.

870      2024-01-26     0

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