Quote 2737

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The easiest way to burn out, give up, and live in constant frustration is to believe you're responsible to make huge progress in a short time. What a joke! Almost nobody does that. Why? Because we're men, not gods. Embrace slow, small, faithful moves in the right direction.https://twitter.com/Brian_Sauve/status/1740771808591425694

1K      2023-12-29     11
You simply cannot nuance someone into the Kingdom. There's no way to sanitize and PR the gospel into something that has no inherent offense—the aroma of death lingers to the lost no matter what soft-word-air-freshener you hang on it. And trying is often the road to compromise.https://twitter.com/Brian_Sauve/status/1775497224992240054

459      2024-04-03     1
I am very glad to see pastors wake up to the antinomian overcorrections of the "gospel-centered" movement. Every sermon had to be: The Bible says to do X. You can't do X. Jesus did X for you. End of sermon. But you don't believe the Gospel rightly until you obey Jesus.https://twitter.com/Brian_Sauve/status/1744192523592196597

1K      2024-01-08     1

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