Quote 2748

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There is a very evident tendency to stress the fact that the Church is a great missionary agency, and to forget that it is first of all the assembly of the saints, in which those who publicly live in sin cannot be tolerated. It is said that sinners must be gathered into the church, and not excluded from it. But it should be remembered that they must be gathered in as saints and have no legitimate place in the Church as long as they do not confess their sin and strive for holiness of life.Systematic Theology, 601

5K      2016-08-17        22
God gave the Spirit to the rest of the apostles, but he gave the purse to the son of perdition.

551      2024-05-21     2
Besides public ordinances, we should give ourselves to spiritual exercises in secret. All the time we can spare from our necessary, civil, and natural actions should be employed in calling to mind what we have seen, heard, or felt of God.

665      2024-04-27        2
You can never part with sin soon enough; it is a cursed inmate, that will surely bring mischief upon the soul that harbours it. It will set its own dwelling on fire.Works 7:147

2K      2024-04-26        2
The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. Unknown

1.5K      2011-08-07     2
A child of God findeth a greater treasure in one chapter of the Bible than worldly men in all their lands and honours and large revenues.

546      2024-05-30        1
The whole work of sanctification, from its first step to its last period, is all of grace, all must be ascribed to God's free goodness.

779      2024-05-24     1
To own and stand up for a hated and despised truth will bring more comfort to our souls than all the pleasure the wicked have in their sensual delights.

1K      2024-05-22        1
The devil seeks to weaken our opinion of God's goodness.

1.3K      2024-05-06     1
No wild beasts are so fierce to one another as one Christian has been to another. Lesser differences should not make void this Christ-like love

338      2024-06-05     0
We lose much tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against sin, much of that lively diligence that we should otherwise show forth in carrying on the spiritual life, when we are at ease, and all things go well with us.

689      2024-05-21     0
The goodness of God, and his readiness to be gracious to every one that cometh to him, is the fountain of the saint's hope, strength and consolation.

689      2024-05-21     0
Religion without self-denial… is Christianity of our own making, not of Christ's. We carve out the easy safe part of religion, and then we call this love to God and love to Christ. No; true Christian love is to love God above all.

0.9K      2024-05-16     0
Our affections to heavenly things languish when all succeeds with us in the world according to our heart's desire.

696      2024-05-15     0
The more a man delighteth in God, and in the ways of God, the more he cleaveth to Him, and resolveth to go on in this course, and temptations to sensual delights do less prevail.

899      2024-04-28     0
Men are ready to anger, slow to mercy, quickly enflamed, and hardly appeased; but it is quite contrary with God.

624      2024-04-28     0
If the profession of godliness be lightly taken up, it will be as lightly left.

847      2024-04-26     0
Ready obedience is a good evidence of a sound impression of grace left upon our hearts.

717      2024-04-26     0
The Throne of Grace lieth always open; the more oftener we frequent it, the more welcome. We frown upon one that often troubleth us with his suits, but it is not so with God; we may beg and beg again.Works 7:185

705      2024-04-26     0
The church is not a theological classroom. It is a conversion, confession, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification center, where flawed people place their faith in Christ, gather to know and love him better, and learn to love others as he designed.

863      2024-01-26     0
When the church is absolutely different from the world, she invariably attracts it. It is then that the world is made to listen to her message, though it may hate it at first.

1K      2024-01-26     0
One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team.

837      2024-01-10     0
Christians do not stand isolated, each holding his own creed. They constitute one body, having one common creed. Rejecting that creed, or any of its parts, is the rejection of the fellowship of Christians, incompatible with the communion of saints, or membership in the body of Christ. In other words, Protestants admit that there is a common faith of the Church, which no man is at liberty to reject, and which no man can reject and be a Christian.

562      2024-01-10     0
An ecclesiology of total withdrawal cannot be sustained by 1-2 Kings. Elijah and Elisha do not entertain the comforting illusion that they can carry on happily as the true Israel while the Omrides take the nation further into the cesspool of idolatry.1 & 2 Kings, 148

1.1K      2018-02-28     0
If the church is central to God's purpose, as seen in both history and the gospel, it must surely also be central to our lives. How can we take lightly what God takes so seriously? How dare we push to the circumference what God has placed at the centre?The Message of the Ephesians (129)

1.7K      2011-11-18     0

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