Quote 3073

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Theology masters the man; the man is never to master the theology.

1K      2024-01-14     2
I am not afraid to say that a new idea never originated at Princeton Seminary.

1.2K      2019-03-12     2
The body of Scripture is a doctrine sufficient to live well. It comprehends many holy sciences of which one is principal, and the others are handmaids or attendants.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

Let prayer be the key to open the morning and the bar to shut the evening.

1.4K      2024-04-28     1
Theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God.

568      2024-02-25     1
We're either building our life on the reality of what God is truly like and what he's about, or we're basing our life on our own imagination and misconceptions. We're all theologians. The question is whether we will be good theologians or bad theologians, whether what we know about God is true or false.Dug Down Deep

1.4K      2011-11-21     1
God's manner of creating, and also of governing, is such that by his word alone he produced all sorts of things without any instruments, means, assistance, or motion.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

The same decree of God, is the first and principal working cause of all things; it is also before all other causes, in order and time. For with God's decree, his will is always annexed, by which he can willingly effect what he has decreed. And it would be a sign of impotence to decree anything which he could not willingly compass. And with God's will is conjoined an effectual power, by which the Lord can bring to pass whatever he has freely decreed. https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

God's foreknowledge in itself is not a cause why things are, except as it is conjoined with his decree. For things do not therefore come to pass because God foreknew them; but because He decreed and willed them, therefore they come to pass. https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

the Lord, according to his good pleasure, has most certainly decreed both every thing and action — whether past, present, or to come — together with their circumstances of place, time, means, and end.

420      2024-06-19     0
God wills that which is good, by approving it; that which is evil — in as much as it is evil — by disallowing and forsaking it. And yet, He voluntarily permits evil, because it is good that there should be evil.

612      2024-06-18     0
The Divine Nature is especially in perpetual operation by three attributes which manifest the operation of God towards his creatures. These are his WISDOM, WILL, and OMNIPOTENCE

543      2024-06-17     0
The sum of the sum, preach one Christ by Christ to the praise of Christ.

424      2024-06-17     0
The word of God must be our rule and square whereby we are to frame and fashion all our actions

329      2024-06-17     0
[theology:] the science of living blessedly forever

290      2024-06-17     0
should be common to the faith of every believer. The love of God reaches out to each of us individually, and no one person's experience will be exactly the same as another's. But we all have a great deal in common because we know and love the same God. Theology does not focus on us and our feelings but on God and the way he has revealed himself to us.God is Love, 81

1.2K      2024-02-09     0
The Word of God alone is to be preached, in it's perfection and inner consistency.The Art of Prophesying

1.1K      2017-07-10     0
The duty of a theologian, however, is not to tickle the ear, but confirm the conscience, by teaching what is true, certain, and useful.Institutes, Book 1 Chapter 14

1.2K      2017-04-22     0
In defining theology, it is not strictly necessary to align it with a single biblical term, but it is certainly an advantage when we can do this. I propose that we define theology as synonymous with the biblical concept of teaching, with all its emphasis on edification.Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Kindle Locations 1225-1227). P&R Publishing. Kindle Edition.

1.4K      2016-05-22     0
Paul is inspired yet he wants books: he has been preaching nearly thirty years, yet he wants books: he has a wider experience than most people, yet he wants books: he has been caught up into heaven and heard things which it is unlawful to utter yet he wants books: he has written the major part of the New Testament, yet he wants books.

1.3K      2012-05-28     0
Once I was at Regent College, I said you western theologians always put theology into the refrigerator, now put it out and warm it up.Lecture at Westminster Seminary

1.2K      2012-03-21     0

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