Quote 3083

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The body of Scripture is a doctrine sufficient to live well. It comprehends many holy sciences of which one is principal, and the others are handmaids or attendants.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

Let prayer be the key to open the morning and the bar to shut the evening.

1.4K      2024-04-28     1
God's manner of creating, and also of governing, is such that by his word alone he produced all sorts of things without any instruments, means, assistance, or motion.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

God's foreknowledge in itself is not a cause why things are, except as it is conjoined with his decree. For things do not therefore come to pass because God foreknew them; but because He decreed and willed them, therefore they come to pass. https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

the Lord, according to his good pleasure, has most certainly decreed both every thing and action — whether past, present, or to come — together with their circumstances of place, time, means, and end.

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God wills that which is good, by approving it; that which is evil — in as much as it is evil — by disallowing and forsaking it. And yet, He voluntarily permits evil, because it is good that there should be evil.

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The Divine Nature is especially in perpetual operation by three attributes which manifest the operation of God towards his creatures. These are his WISDOM, WILL, and OMNIPOTENCE

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The principal science is Theology. Theology is the science of living blessedly forever. Blessed life consists in the knowledge of God.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

The sum of the sum, preach one Christ by Christ to the praise of Christ.

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The word of God must be our rule and square whereby we are to frame and fashion all our actions

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[theology:] the science of living blessedly forever

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The Word of God alone is to be preached, in it's perfection and inner consistency.The Art of Prophesying

1.1K      2017-07-10     0

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