Quote 3124

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Why is this debate over faith in Jesus Christ important?... because it reveals the emphasis in Paul's thinking. In other words, if these texts say that one must believe in Jesus Christ for righteousness, such a theme is incredibly pervasive and forceful in Paul's letters. He reminds his readers again and again that they must put their faith in Jesus Christ to stand in the right before God, to be saved on the last day.Faith Alone, 131-132

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As compelling as this view is, I suggest that it over-states the Pauline and Protestant understanding of grace. Yes, Paul says we cannot be justified by our own works, and he contrasts justification by works with justification by faith in Christ (e.g., Gal. 2:16; Rom. 4:4–5). But he does, in fact, say in many places we are justified by our faith, and he never contrasts our faith with the work of Christ. Instead, Paul can say in the same breath that we are both "justified by [our] faith" (Rom. 5:1) and "justified by his blood" (Rom. 5:9).https://www.crossway.org/articles/faith-in-christ-vs-the-faithfulness-of-christ/

None of the early church fathers or early Greek readers give a subjective genitive reading of pistis christou. In fact, the discussion doesn't even come up.https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/faith-in-christ-or-faithfulness-of-christ/

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