Quote 3517

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A creation ordinance is a pattern that is normative; that is, all of mankind is ordinarily expected to follow the pattern.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 4

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If the Decalogue does serve as a single unit for acceptance or rejection, then the fourth commandment -the one commandment explicitly tied to creation -is as abiding as the other Ten Commandments.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 82

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if the weekly Sabbath included the function of pointing forward to consummate rest, and that rest has not yet come, then that weekly Sabbath should continue.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 32

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the whole Ten Words were always treated as a unit. Specifically, creational imperative may have been given ceremonial and civil trappings under the old covenant, but the moral imperative built into creation remains unchanged.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 80

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To whom or what are the Jews pointed when reminded to remember? It was not to Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. It was to the very beginning, specifically the Lord's rest at the end of His creative week. The Jews were already aware of the pattern of work and rest that God built into creation.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 68

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The lack of observance of the Sabbath by the patriarchs need not be an argument against Sabbath rest as a creation ordinance any more than the observance of polygamy by the patriarchs is an argument against monogamous marriage as a creation ordinance. Instead, the lack of observance can be explained by sin and the fall of mankind.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 57

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Though a pattern was built into creation from the very beginning, God progressively revealed the exact nature and meaning of His creation-week example..There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 56

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The claim of our Lord that "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath" was applicable to Adam and Eve preeminently. Adam was the only man present when the Sabbath was made. The Sabbath was a gift given to him at the end of the creative week. This gift was meant to be a perpetual reminder of God's masterful work in creation.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 54

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Man is to properly magnify God's image by living in consonance with the patterns that God has installed in His creation from the beginning, including the pattern of work and rest.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 52

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Sabbath will be literally fulfilled as we enjoy the actual, bodily presence of our Savior in a literal place of rest. Thus, the fulfillment of Sabbath typology in the New Testament indicates that Sabbath rest is salvifically inaugurated b Christ's first advent, spiritually appropriated while preserving the physical pattern between Christ's advents, and awaiting literal fulfillment at Christ's second advent.There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God, 33

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being created in God's image implicitly demands an imitation of God by mankind.There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God, 49

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a creation ordinance is defined as a general pattern established in Genesis 1-2 that becomes normative, but not uniformly observed, with any exceptions to the pattern contributing to the pattern's fulfillment; moreover, the pattern must be confirmed, not negated or abrogated, by later biblical revelation.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 3

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Some argue for the normativeness of the "Ten Commands" as a guide for Christian behavior, but then remove the Sabbath ordinance as an exception, claiming this to be part of the ceremonial law that ended in Christ. However, this approach is indefensible. (1) The seventh-day Sabbath ordinance is embedded in the Decalogue as a fundamental principle of covenant relationship, along with the prohibition of any other gods, of murder, and so on. One may not treat it differently from the rest. (2) According to the Exodus version of the Decalogue, the six-plus-one weekly rhythm is fundamental to the cosmic order. Exodus 20:11 grounds the human practice in the pattern of divine creative work. (3) In its origin the Sabbath is separated from Israel's ceremonial laws. In fact, Israelites were observing it as a matter of course before they got to Sinai (Ex. 16). (4) The Sabbath command is not primarily a cultic ordinance. In intent and character it was both humanitarian (a gift offering people rest and refreshment from life-sustaining labor) and theological—offering Israelites an opportunity to declare their fundamentally theological perspective on life (God is Creator of all), their confidence in him to provide for the seventh day, their acceptance of covenant relationship, their gratitude for salvation from slavery, and their compassion for the poor. (5) Nowhere does the New Testament declare the seventh-day Sabbath passé in Christ.

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