that branch of theology whose concern it is to study each corpus of the scripture in its own right, especially with respect to its place in the history of God's unfolding revelation. The emphasis is on history and on the inddvidual corpus.Unity and Diversity in the New Testament
In broadest terms, the Bible can be summarized in four words: creation, fall, redemption, restoration.God\'s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (p. 57). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Thus, the purpose of biblical theology is inductively to understand the canonical form of the Bible's theology as it is progressively revealed in its own literary forms and salvation-historical development, and this sharpens our systematic and dogmatic theology. Biblical theology is always done from some systematic perspective.God\'s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (p. 54). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
One obstacle facing those committed to the unity of the Bible is a certain disdain some biblical scholars have for systematic theology. A strong desire to avoid the charge that one's prior theological conclusions control one's exegesis, coupled with a vague sense that "belief has a distorting effect on historical inquiry,"25 leads many to prefer to "let the tensions stand," indefinitely postponing legitimate and necessary theological synthesis.God\'s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (p. 49). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Biblical theology gives special attention to the teachings of individual authors and sections of Scripture, and to the place of each teaching in the historical development of Scripture.Systematic Theology, 22
a biblical theological approach to a particular text seeks to give its interpretation first with regard to its own literary context and primarily in relation to its own redemptive-historical epoch, and then to the epochs preceding, and following it.