Quote 3804

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We must disagree sharply with those liberal theologians— whether Catholic, Jew, or Protestant— who hold that our contemporary society is evolving to a "new morality" based on "love" for others rather than on the fixed, absolute, objective standards of righteousness set out in the Ten Commandments.Law and Gospel

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The moral teaching of Christ and his apostles is the old law deepened and reapplied to new circumstances--life in the kingdom of God, where the Savior reigns; and in the post-Pentecost era of the Spirit, where God's people are called to live heaven's life among themselves and to be God's counterculture in the world.Concise Theology, Section 34

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Christ in fact had not the least intent of making any change or innovation in the precepts of the law. God there appointed once for all a rite of life which he will never repent of... so let us have no more of that error, that here a defect of the law is corrected by Christ; Christ is not to be made into a new law-giver, adding anything to the everlasting righteousness of his Father, but is to be given the attention of a faithful interpreter, teaching us the nature of the law, its object and its scope.

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When Christ or the Apostles are treating of a perfect life, they always refer believers to the Law.

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It is important to emphasize the fact that it was written on Adam's heart from the beginning. Thus we have one standard of righteousness from Creation to the final consummation.Law & Gospel

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Neither John Calvin nor Francis Turretin nor any other respected theologians, creeds, or confessions ever set up an antithesis between Christ and Moses, the law and the gospel, law and grace. The antinomians, however, envision a conflict between each of these pairs, along with a sharp antithesis between the Old and New Testaments.Law & Gospel

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The cross makes no sense apart from the law. The cross with out the law is like a jig-saw puzzle with the key piece missing. The evangelical prophet Isaiah said, "He [Christ] will magnify the law and make it honorable" (Isa. 42: 21). Christ magnified the law by His perfect life and in His death on the cross.Law and Gospel

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there is a general connection between the extent to which a society as a whole obeys God's absolute moral standard and the degree to which they enjoy His blessings. There is no other true standard of right and wrong, and there fore there is no other way to live.Law and Gospel

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The moral law carries permanent validity because it is an objective standard uniquely sanctioned by God and goes straight to the root of our modern problems. It lays its finger on the church's deepest need in evangelism as well as in the Christian life: sanctification. The Ten Commandments are desperately needed not only in the church but also in societyLaw and Gospel

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The third use of the law is directive or normative: it serves as a didactic "rule of life" to guide believers in ways that are pleasing to their God and Savior.A Puritan Theology, 557

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The law is like a mirror. In it we contemplate our weakness, then the iniquity arising from this, and finally the curse coming from both -just as a mirror shows us the spots on our face.Institutes 2.7.6-7

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[The law] warns, informs, convicts, and lastly condemns, every man of his own righteousness

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it seems clear both from the immediate context and from the rest of his teaching that Jesus's affirmation of the unchanging universal force of God's law relates to the moral law as such (Matt 5:17-19; cf. Luke 16:16-17).Concise Theology, Section 34

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If we do not allow the Law to be our bridle to restrain us from sin, it will become our scourge to punish us for our sins.Sarah and Hagar, Puritan Publications, 2024

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As for doctrine, we must not make out that there has been any abrogation of the Law in Christ's coming, for as the rule of holy and devout life is eternal, it must be unchangeable, and likewise God's justice is one and constant, as He composed it therein. As regards ceremonies, if we allow that they may be reckoned somewhat incidental, it is only their practice that was abrogated: their significance was actually given more confirmation. So Christ's coming did not take anything away, even from the ceremonies, but rather the truth behind the shadows was revealed, and served to strengthen them;

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Christ intended to teach that in all the structure of the universe there is nothing so stable as the truth of the law, which stands firm, and that in every part.

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