Quote 474

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Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.

434      2024-01-15     0
Whatever we have of this world in our hands, our care must be to keep it out of our hearts, lest it come between us and Christ.

807      2023-12-26     0
America today is a "save yourself" society if there ever was one. But does it really work? The underdeveloped societies suffer from one set of diseases: tuberculosis, malnutrition, pneumonia, parasites, typhoid, cholera, typhus, etc. Affluent America has virtually invented a whole new set of diseases: obesity, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, strokes, lung cancer, venereal disease, cirrhosis of the liver, drug addiction, alcoholism, divorce, battered children, suicide, murder. Take your choice. Labor-saving machines have turned out to be body-killing devices. Our affluence has allowed both mobility and isolation of the nuclear family, and as a result, our divorce courts, our prisons and our mental institutions are flooded. In saving ourselves we have nearly lost ourselves.

1.1K      2011-08-07     0
Thousands have trodden the path you are pursuing, and have awoke too late to find it end in misery and eternal ruin. They have fought hard for wealth, and honor, and office, and promotion, and turned their backs on God, and Christ, and heaven, and the world to come. And what has their end been? Often, far too often, they have found out that their whole life has been a grand mistake. Holiness (Chapter 4)

1.2K      2011-08-07     0
It is a melancholy fact, that constant temporal prosperity, as a general rule, is injurious to a believer's soul. Holiness (Chapter 6)

1.2K      2011-08-07     0

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