Quote 618

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Our love grows soft if it is not strengthened by truth, and our truth grows hard if it is not softened by love.

6.3K      2024-01-10        29
The resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass.

1.7K      2016-03-31     2
although indeed 'God is love', yet we have to remember that his love is 'holy love', love which yearns over sinners while at the same time refusing to condone their sin.The Cross of Christ (88)

2K      2011-09-07     2
the command to judge not is not a requirement to be blind, but rather a plea to be generous. Jesus does not tell us to cease to be men (by suspending our critical powers which help to distinguish us from animals) but to renounce the presumptuous ambition to be God (by setting ourselves up as judges

1K      2024-04-23     1
Perhaps the transformation of the disciples of Jesus is the greatest evidence of all for the resurrection.

1.2K      2024-01-10     1
We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.

1.4K      2024-01-10     1
Christian righteousness far surpasses pharisaic righteousness in kind rather than in degree. It is not so much, shall we say, that Christians succeed in keeping some 240 commandments when the best Pharisees may only have scored 230. No. Christian righteousness is greater than pharisaic righteousness because it is deeper, being a righteousness of the heartThe message of the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian counter-culture (p. 75). Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

1.7K      2020-05-18     1
He does more than obey them himself; he explains what obedience will involve for his disciples. He rejects the superficial interpretation of the law given by the scribes; he himself supplies the true interpretation. His purpose is not to change the law, still less to annul it, but 'to reveal the full depth of meaning that it was intended to hold'. The message of the Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7): Christian counter-culture (p. 72). Leicester; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

1.7K      2020-05-18     1
virtually all critical scholars who have written on the subject, including rather skeptical ones, maintain that in 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 Paul has provided tradition(s) about Jesus that he did not form but rather received from others, as he claims. There is likewise widespread agreement that it was composed very early and may very well be the oldest extant tradition pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus.The Resurrection of Jesus 233-234

1.1K      2017-08-20     1
What is unhealthy is every wallowing in guilt which does not lead to confession, repentance, faith in Jesus Christ and so forgiveness.The Cross of Christ (101)

1.7K      2011-09-07     1
The resurrection is the fundamental restoration of all culture.

655      2024-02-03     0
Self-denial is not denying to ourselves luxuries such as chocolates, cakes, cigarettes and cocktails (although it might include this); it is actually denying or disowning ourselves, renouncing our supposed right to go our own way.

880      2024-01-10     0
The Bible isn't about people trying to discover God, but about God reaching out to find us.

1.1K      2024-01-10     0
Jesus Christ is indeed a crutch for the lame, to help us walk upright, just as he is also medicine for the spiritually sick, bread for the hungry and water for the thirsty. We do not deny this; it is perfectly true. But then all human beings are lame, sick, hungry and thirsty. The only difference between us is not that some are needy, while others are not. It is rather that some know and acknowledge their need, while others either don't through ignorance or won't through pride.

0.9K      2024-01-10     0
Envy! Envy is the reverse side of a coin called vanity. Nobody is ever envious of others who is not first proud of himself.

1K      2024-01-10     0
Many people visualize a God who sits comfortably on a distant throne, remote, aloof, uninterested, and indifferent to the needs of mortals, until, it may be, they can badger him into taking action on their behalf. Such a view is wholly false. The Bible reveals a God who, long before it even occurs to man to turn to him, while man is still lost in darkness and sunk in sin, takes the initiative, rises from his throne, lays aside his glory, and stoops to seek until he finds him.

1K      2024-01-10     0
We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.

1.3K      2024-01-10     0
Every Christian should be both conservative and radical; conservative in preserving the faith and radical in applying it.

1K      2024-01-10     0
Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us, we have to see it as something done by us.

1.1K      2024-01-10     0
Christ himself deliberately staked his whole claim to the credit of men upon his resurrection. When asked for a sign, he pointed to this sign as his single and sufficient credential.

548      2024-01-10     0
The fact of our Lord's resurrection rests on evidence which no infidel can ever explain away. It is confirmed by testimony of every kind, sort, and description. The plain unvarnished story which the Gospel writers tell about it is one which cannot be overthrown. The more the account they give is examined the more inexplicable will the event appear, unless we accept it as true. If we choose to deny the truth of their account then we may deny everything in the world. It is not as certain that Julius Caesar once lived as it is that Christ rose again.https://www.gracegems.org/Ryle/l24.htm

1.1K      2021-04-04     0
Pride is without doubt the chief occupational hazard of the preacher.

1.5K      2018-10-15     0
it is most reasonable to conclude that the tradition in 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 was formed in Jerusalem and that Paul either received it directly from the Jerusalem apostles or from someone he deemed very credible.The Resurrection of Jesus 227-228

1K      2017-08-20     0
The resurrection of Jesus is the crucial sign that the last days are here. The Pharisees associated the last days with the resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. So Jesus associates that time with resurrection in John 6:39-40, 44, 54. But when the grieving Martha says that her brother Lazarus will rise again in the resurrection on the last day (John 11:24), Jesus replies, I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die (vv.25-26). Then he proceeds to raise Lazarus from the dead, indicating that the life-giving power of the age to come is present in himself. So in Luke 17:21 Jesus tells the Pharisees that the kingdom is already in their midst, certainly referring to himself. Wherever Jesus is, there is the age to come.Systematic Theology

1.3K      2016-03-27     0
The proper activity of professing Christians who disagree with one another is neither to ignore, nor to conceal, nor even to minimize their differences, but to debate them. We are 'to maintain the truth in love,' being neither truthless in our love, nor loveless in our truth, but holding the two in balance.Christ the Controversialist (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1970), pp. 22, 19.

1.7K      2012-01-15     0

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