Quote 698

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Theology masters the man; the man is never to master the theology.

1K      2024-01-14     2
I am not afraid to say that a new idea never originated at Princeton Seminary.

1.2K      2019-03-12     2
Theology is doctrine or teaching of living to God.

579      2024-02-25     1
We're either building our life on the reality of what God is truly like and what he's about, or we're basing our life on our own imagination and misconceptions. We're all theologians. The question is whether we will be good theologians or bad theologians, whether what we know about God is true or false.Dug Down Deep

1.4K      2011-11-21     1
The principal science is Theology. Theology is the science of living blessedly forever. Blessed life consists in the knowledge of God.https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

should be common to the faith of every believer. The love of God reaches out to each of us individually, and no one person's experience will be exactly the same as another's. But we all have a great deal in common because we know and love the same God. Theology does not focus on us and our feelings but on God and the way he has revealed himself to us.God is Love, 81

1.2K      2024-02-09     0
The duty of a theologian, however, is not to tickle the ear, but confirm the conscience, by teaching what is true, certain, and useful.Institutes, Book 1 Chapter 14

1.2K      2017-04-22     0
In defining theology, it is not strictly necessary to align it with a single biblical term, but it is certainly an advantage when we can do this. I propose that we define theology as synonymous with the biblical concept of teaching, with all its emphasis on edification.Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Kindle Locations 1225-1227). P&R Publishing. Kindle Edition.

1.4K      2016-05-22     0
Paul is inspired yet he wants books: he has been preaching nearly thirty years, yet he wants books: he has a wider experience than most people, yet he wants books: he has been caught up into heaven and heard things which it is unlawful to utter yet he wants books: he has written the major part of the New Testament, yet he wants books.

1.3K      2012-05-28     0

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