Quote 790

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The Holy Spirit is to be believed to be of the Father and of the Son. We say that this Holy Spirit is coequal to the Father and the Son proceeds from the Father and the Son. Believe this, lest evil talk corrupt good customs.

1.1K      2016-06-14     0
our tendency to skip over this issue and go directly to that of the work of the Spirit is unbalanced and unhelpful - the work which the Spirit does is directly dependent on who the Spirit is.Double Procession, 423.

1.1K      2016-04-04     0
Nor, by the way, can we say that the Holy Spirit does not proceed from the Son as well; it is not without point that the same Spirit is called the Spirit of the Father and of the Son.The Trinity (Brooklyn: New City Press, 1991), 174

1.2K      2016-04-04     0
If my understanding is correct, then both the procession and the sending mentioned in the verse take place in history. Now, that understanding does not make the verse irrelevant to the doctrine of eternal procession, for as we have seen it is legitimate to find an analogy between the historical and the eternal relationships among the persons of the Trinity. But if both the procession and the sending of John 15:26 take place in time, that would support, by analogy, the view that the Spirit's eternal procession is from both Father and Son.Systematic Theology

1.1K      2016-04-04     0

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