Quote 801

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All, therefore, were glorified and magnified, not through themselves or their own works or the righteous actions which they did, but through his will. And so we, having been called through his will in Christ Jesus, are not justified through ourselves or through our wisdom or understanding or piety or works, which we have done in holiness of heart, but through faith, by which the almighty God has justified all who have existed from the beginning, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.1 Clement 32:3-4

817      2024-04-15     1
The Calvinist limits the extent in that he says that it does not apply to all persons . . . while the Arminian limits the power of, for he says that in itself it does not actually save anybody.The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination , 153.

1.1K      2016-05-19     1
it should be pointed out that there is an inseparable connection between the purchase and the actual bestowal of salvation. The Bible clearly teaches that the design and effect of the atoning work of Christ is not merely to make salvation possible, but to reconcile God and man, and to put men in actual possession of eternal salvation, a salvation which many fail to obtainSystematic Theology (395)

1.2K      2016-08-15     0
[Christ] offered himself on the altar of the cross not to the devil, but to the triune God, and he did so for all with regard to the sufficiency of the price, but only for the elect with regard to its efficacy, because he brought about salvation only for the predestined.The Sentences, Book 3: On the Incarnation of the Word

1.4K      2016-04-16     0
he received the flesh of sin that by assuming our flesh he might forgive our sin, but, while he takes our flesh, he does not share in our sin.On the Trinity 1.13

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the suffering he was going to endure, cleansing through his blood those who believed in him.Justin, First Apology 32.1,5,7

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