Quote 835

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when you're done reading everything that has been written to promote the New Perspective, the issues of personal guilt, individual redemption, and atonement for sin have hardly been dealt with at all. These great soteriological doctrines are left in a fog of uncertainty and confusion.http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/new_p.html

1.2K      2011-10-08     2
At the end of the day, the central notion of sin in Wright's thought is that it is somehow anarchic rebellion against shalom, and the triumph at the end is the restoration of shalom. What is lost is the intensely personal dimension of sin: it is rebellion against God, and he is regularly portrayed as the most offended party (cf. Ps 51!).http://www.bookreviews.org/pdf/5581_5877.pdf

1.5K      2011-10-08     1
I think it's ironic that N. T. Wight and other proponents of the New Perspective invariably complain that Luther and the Reformers were guilty of reading a conflict from their own time back into the New Testament. My answer would be that N. T. Wright and friends are doubly guilty of reading their own notions of twenty-first-century political correctness back into the text of the Pauline epistles. And the view they have come up with has a distinct post-modern slant. It is a perfect postmodern blend of inclusivism, anti-individualism, a subtle attack on certainty and assurance, and above all, ecumenism.http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/new_p.html

1.2K      2011-10-08     1
The Jesus admired by liberals and skeptics would never have been convicted of blasphemy and crucified. https://mobile.twitter.com/MichaelHorton_/status/627154577167486976

1.1K      2016-06-12     0
Ultimately, the New Perspective divests the gospel of or downplays every significant aspect of soteriology. The means of atonement is left vague in this system; the issues of personal sin and guilt are passed over and brushed aside. The gospel becomes a proclamation of victory, period. In other words, the gospel of the New Perspective is decidedly not a message about how sinners can escape the wrath of God. In fact, this gospel says little or nothing about personal sin and forgiveness, individual redemption, atonement, or any of the other great soteriological doctrines.http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/onsite/new_p.html

1.2K      2011-10-08     0
These Israel-specific laws are not intended to regulate the constitutions of common nations, but ultimately to play their part in a theocratic system that leads us ultimately to Christ and his everlasting kingdom. So you can't invoke the old covenant passages for common nations in this era in which Christ's kingdom is not identified with any geo-political nation.http://www.whitehorseinn.org/blog/2011/09/27/“why-can’t-i-own-canadians”-rightly-dividing-the-word-of-truth/

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