Quote 999

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[General and Special Revelation] The one is addressed generally to all intelligent creatures, and is therefore accessible to all men; the other is addressed to a special class of sinners, to whom God would make known His salvation. The one has in view to meet and supply the natural need of creatures for knowledge of their God; the other to rescue broken and deformed sinners from their sin and its consequencesRevelation and Inspiration p.6

2K      2016-07-19     1
If there is a religion in the world which exalts the office of teaching, it is safe to say that it is the religion of Jesus Christ.The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

1.2K      2016-05-21     0
There are numbers who mystify themselves and others by a lot of pious talk about obtaining the Lords mind or discovering Gods will for them, which when carefully analyzed amounts to nothing better than a vague uncertainty or a personal impulse. God's mind or will my reader, is made known in His Word, and He never wills anything for us which to the slightest degree clashes with that heavenly Rule.Life and Times of Elijah (8.89%)

1.2K      2012-04-02     0
although God does not communicate in a way that opposes the scriptures, he often communicates in a non-verbal manner to his children, giving them assurance, bringing them comfort, guiding them through life's rough waters. To deny that God speaks verbally to us today apart from the scriptures is not to deny that he communicates to us apart from the scriptures.Who's Afraid of the Holy Spirit (8)

1.1K      2011-11-18     0
Sometimes in the effort to defend sola scriptora we wrongly argue solo scriptora. Four Points (25 min) http://theresurgence.com/2011/07/25/four-points-of-the-movement

1.2K      2011-08-07     0

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