Antonius Thysius (4)

the Sabbath is hallowed so long as on that day we do things similar to those God did on that day and which he commands men to do.Synopsis of a Purer Theology, Disputation 21

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the Sabbath-day is lost, polluted, and desecrated when our eyes are distracted from the Sabbath (Ezek 22:26) and we do things on that day which we are forbidden, and we omit what we ought to do (Matt 12:2[,11,12]).Synopsis of a Purer Theology, Disputation 21

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The wording for this commandment is unique. For one is not given a simple command, "Hallow the Sabbath" (as in the others), but the following warning precedes it: "Remember the Sabbath-day, that you keep it holy." This shows that the matter is of a sort that can fade easily into oblivion (because it is not engraved into our nature); therefore, we must cultivate it constantly in our memories, and we should not make light of it but guard it very carefully.Synopsis of a Purer Theology, Disputation 21

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