God's Decree (4)

God has decreed that certain events shall come to pass through the means He has appointed for their accomplishment. God has elected certain ones to be saved, but He has also decreed that these shall be saved through the preaching the Gospel. The Gospel, then, is one of the appointed means for the working out of the eternal counsel of the Lord; and prayer is another. God has decreed the means as well as the end, and among the means is prayer. Even the prayers of His people are included in His eternal decrees. Therefore, instead of prayers being in vain they are among the means through which God exercises His decrees.https://www.monergism.com/sovereignty-god-unabridged

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The same decree of God, is the first and principal working cause of all things; it is also before all other causes, in order and time. For with God's decree, his will is always annexed, by which he can willingly effect what he has decreed. And it would be a sign of impotence to decree anything which he could not willingly compass. And with God's will is conjoined an effectual power, by which the Lord can bring to pass whatever he has freely decreed. https://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/sdg/perkins/A%20Golden%20Chain%20-%20William%20Perkins.pdf

the Lord, according to his good pleasure, has most certainly decreed both every thing and action — whether past, present, or to come — together with their circumstances of place, time, means, and end.

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