Hilary of Poitiers (3)

Is receiving from the Son the same thing as proceeding from the Father? If we have to maintain that there is a difference between these two things, then at least we must admit that receiving from the Son is the same thing as receiving from the Father. The Lord declares: "He will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore... he will take what is mine and declare it to you." Whatever the Spirit receives, whether it is power, strength, or doctrine, the Son says will be taken from him. He lets it be understood that it will also be taken from the Father, because whatever the Father has is his.De Trinitate 8.20

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he received the flesh of sin that by assuming our flesh he might forgive our sin, but, while he takes our flesh, he does not share in our sin.On the Trinity 1.13

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