John Brinsley (4)

God may be blasphemed three ways. 1. When men shall deny these works, or either of them: deny the works of Creation, as those Philosophers who would have the world to be from Eternity, coexistent with God himselfe. Deny the work of Providence, as Epicurus did, and Aristotle is conceived to have done; attributing the events of things, either to the course of nature, to Fate and Destiny, or to Chance and Fortune. 2. When men shall villifie, speak disgracefully of the one or other of these works▪ Of the work of Creation▪ Momus like carping at Gods workmanship in any of his Creatures. Of the work of Providence, quarrelling with his dispensations, finding fault with his ordering and disposing of the course of things, as if it were not in Wisedome, in Justice, &c. 3. When they shall attribute the works of God unto Satan, as the malicious Jews, who ascribed those miraculous works wrought by the divine power of Christ unto Beelzebub, Mat. 12. 24. Thus is God blasphemed in his works.

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The healing of the Church's breaches should be the desire of every Christian.

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This, this it is which maketh evill times. It is an evill time (saith the Prophet Amos cap. 5. 13.), but what made it so? Why the manifold transgressions, and mighty sins of the people;

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