Liberal Theology (21)

A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.

H. Richard Niebhuhr

The Kingdom of God in America (1937), New York: Harper and Row, 1959, p. 193

A liberal Protestant, a liberal Catholic, and a liberal Jew can agree on almost everything, because they believe almost nothing! Proclaiming A Cross-Centered Theology (24)

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Almost every single collapse involving denominations and churches in regard to historic Christian beliefs can be traced back to a degradation in that group's view of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant revelation of God's truth.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 43). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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When I turned my eye back to the emerging church or back to my friend's classic liberalism, I saw that at the center of it all stood a denial of the authority of the Word of God. These people read the Bible and preached the Bible and wrote about the Bible and professed to honor the Bible, but all the while they denied the full authority of the Bible. They accepted God's Word on their own terms. But God gives us no such option. To take the Bible at any terms but its own is to reject the Bible altogether.

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If God's purposes were constantly revisable, how could the faithful rely upon them?The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 95

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Liberal theology is a succession of rescue attempts for the reputation of Christianity.

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Why are some evangelical pastors and theologians fearful of believing in a literal Adam, a global flood, and a relatively short time frame for all cosmic history? Do they really think it is untenable exegetically? They shouldn't.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 22). Roman Roads Press

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it may be said to be characteristic of the whole of modern liberal theology, with its emphasis on the goodness of man, that it has lost sight of the necessity of the saving grace of God.Systematic Theology, 431

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It is a profound embarrassment to liberal leadership that during its hegemony, the seminaries, and the bureaucracies, the churches have lost ground in a massive membership haemorrhage. Liberals go into a cold sweat trying to explain how, while they owned the infrastructure, the money, the publications, and the leadership, they failed even to hold membership steady. They still nurture the fantasy that they have the high moral ground on sexuality issues, politically correct policing, and standard liberal theological issues such as universal salvation. The liberal leadership is now faced with the desperate dilemma of trying to secure trust and support from its ever-diminishing number of constituents.The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 149

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The problem of unfaithful clergy extends to our seminaries as well... These ordinands are often surprised to find themselves steered away from scripture toward tendentious gender studies, nihilistic deconstruction, uninhibited liturgical experimentation, the ubiquitous (and speculative) historical criticism, and counterproductive psychotherapies. The fair-minded know that this must and will end.The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 137

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Either Jesus' view of the Scripture is the true one, and then we should kneel in His presence; or Jesus' view of the Scripture is one enormous mistake, in which case the Rabbi of Nazareth can no longer be the absolute guide along the way of faith.Sacred Theology, 459

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Liberal theology is a strategy that develops when you can't believe in Christian doctrine anymore, but you want to keep being a Christian, so you base your faith on Christian experience instead.Good News for Anxious Christians (179)

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Men cheerfully abandon the whole substance of Christianity, but will hardly be persuaded to surrender the name. Thus, Rudolf Eucken asks, "Can we still be Christians?" and answers with emphasis, Of course we can; providing only that by Christianity we do not mean - Christianity.

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The new liberal theology, because it says that the Bible does not touch the cosmos or history, has no real basis for applying the Bible's values in a historic situation, in either morals or law. Everything religious is in the area of nonreason, and since reason has no place there, there is no room for discussion; there are only arbitrary pronouncements.How Should We Then Live, 199

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I know nothing so likely to counteract this modern plague as constant clear statements about the nature, reality, vileness, power, and guilt of sin.Holiness, Chapter 1

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Ernest Howse, the church's moderator 1964-66, was surprised at the public controversy that followed his announcement, during an Easter interview, that he did not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus. He considered his statement to be "about as radical as an affirmation that the world is round," and shrugged off the vituperative criticism.The United Church of Canada, 107

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After decades of anti-Roman Catholic pamphleteering, the United Church at the 1964 General Council was able to send magnanimous "Christian greetings to the third session of the Vatican Council," and United Church clergy began participating in the celebration of "mixed" marriages with Roman Catholic priests.The United Church of Canada, 104

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It is supremely ironic that today's laity are becoming the mentors of today's clergy. It is the clergy into whose hands lay believers have solemnly entrusted themselves and their faith. And yet, when the clergy have fallen further away from faith than the laity, the laity are now taking the lead.The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 138

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it is alleged that in the centrum of the religious and moral life there yawns an abyss between the Old Testament and the Christ. Notwithstanding all this the attempt is being made to make it appear as though it had merely been an innocent mistake in Christ that for eighteen centuries by precept and example He has bound His followers and confessors to the authority of the Old Testament. But is it not absurd to qualify in the Founder of your religion, as Jesus is called, as of no importance a mistake which for ages has led millions upon millions astray, and still continues to do this?Sacred Theology, 459

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As long as the effort was prosecuted to prove that Jesus shared the view of the Scripture of the Old held by the liberal tendency at the beginning this century, inspiration could be abandoned without the loss of one's Christ. Since, on the other hand, this effort has suffered total shipwreck, and since it is, and must be historically acknowledged that Christ viewed the Scripture in about the same way in which the Church of all ages has done this in her symbols, the conflict against this view of the Scripture has become directly a conflict against the Christ Himself. He who breaks in principle with that ancient view of the Scripture cuts the cord of faith, which bound him to that Christ as his Lord and his God And he who can not refrain from kneeling low before his Saviour cannot break with the ground of faith in the Scripture, as Jesus Himself has sealed itSacred theology, 456

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When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death.

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