Secularism (7)

The humanistic utopias are all prisons, because they insist on a finality which man does not possess.

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The key problem that we face as Christians today with modern concepts of freedom is that they are political and not theological. However, when liberty is defined politically and not theologically, freedom is destroyed because non-Christian thought is dialectical -always trying to unite the opposing ideas of nature and freedom -and does not have the resources to keep a social order from collapsing into tyranny or anarchy.Mission of God, 4.2

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A new generation now drifts without purpose and vision, with little confidence that they have a future, leaving us vulnerable to a growing religious vision of state power and authority that sees its total regulation and control as the only solution to the collapsing social order.Mission of God, 25

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As Theo Hobson describes it, for a full moral reversal to take place three conditions must be met. The first is this: what was condemned must be celebrated. The second is that what was celebrated must now be condemned. And thirdly, those who will not join in the celebration will be condemned.

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the Achilles' heel of [the harm principle] is the assumption that we all know what "harm" is or that it can be defined without recourse to deep beliefs about right and wrong. One person says that it harms no one for a man to consume pornography privately in his own home. Others counter, however, that pornography will shape how he talks and acts with others, especially with women.Preaching, 141

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Western secularists insist that their view of equal rights is simply self-evident to any rational person, but non-Western cultures do not agree... Because truly secular people can't admit the source of their main moral values in their Christian history, it makes them imperialistic.Preaching, 151

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