Quote 1128

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Sin is not merely a psychological malfunction; it means that man has no personal relationship with God, but is under His wrath and curse. The modern Gospel that is rooted in Neo-orthodoxy does not allow this. It represents sin as malfunction, and salvation within man's reach.Doctrine of Sin (256)

1.2K      2016-10-26     0
the theology of Barth is dialectical rather than biblical in characterChristianity and Barthianism, p203

1.2K      2016-10-26     0
the law demonstrates the seriousness of sin by including within its corpus the stipulated methods of dealing with it. This fact alone underlines for us the fact that the giving of the law, far from implicating man further in his departure from God, was actually given with a salvific purpose in mind.The Doctrine of Sin (32)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0
By maintaining the personal nature of the God who legislates, the norms become absolute, uncompromising and non-negotiable. Sin is not a subjective category; the inscription of these commands and prohibitions brings it fully into the category of the objective and absolute.The Doctrine of Sin (31)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0
[Neo-orthodoxy]'s faith is being moved over into an area where it cannot be subjected to rational scrutiny, and is therefore a completely personal thing beyond the reach and the need of verification.The New Infallibility (280)

1K      2016-09-25     0
It is clear, therefore, in the protevangelium, that sin, in biblical terms, is temporal - in the realm of human experience it has an actual point of entry and anticipated and promised point of defeat.The Doctrine of Sin (25)

1.2K      2016-09-25     0

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