Neo-Orthodoxy (7)

in his theology Karl Barth made his own kind of dichotomy and brought the existential methodology into theology.How Should We Then Live, 196

1.1K      2024-02-11     0
Sin is not merely a psychological malfunction; it means that man has no personal relationship with God, but is under His wrath and curse. The modern Gospel that is rooted in Neo-orthodoxy does not allow this. It represents sin as malfunction, and salvation within man's reach.Doctrine of Sin (256)

1.2K      2016-10-26     0
the theology of Barth is dialectical rather than biblical in characterChristianity and Barthianism, p203

1.2K      2016-10-26     0
By taking the position that the Bible contains mythical and symbolic language and imagery, Barth has cut himself off from its objective authority.Doctrine of Sin (240)

1K      2016-10-26     0
[Neo-orthodoxy]'s faith is being moved over into an area where it cannot be subjected to rational scrutiny, and is therefore a completely personal thing beyond the reach and the need of verification.The New Infallibility (280)

1K      2016-09-25     0
As I peruse the Church Dogmatics, I have the consistent experience of excessive verbiage and of ideas that refuse to achieve closure. It is inter­esting and sometimes even instructive to watch a bril­liant mind play with concepts and subject them to intense scrutiny from every conceivable angle But Barth's dialectical method, which assumes the impos­sibility of stating divine truth in human words and therefore continually negates and restates its own im­possible formulations, could easily and more instruc­tively have simply stated the problem of formulation between two poles of theological statement - and then passed on to another issue, finally providing the reader with a finished dogmatics in no more than three or four volumes, with no loss of content.

1.1K      2016-09-05     0

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