Sin is not merely a psychological malfunction; it means that man has no personal relationship with God, but is under His wrath and curse. The modern Gospel that is rooted in Neo-orthodoxy does not allow this. It represents sin as malfunction, and salvation within man's reach.Doctrine of Sin (256)
By taking the position that the Bible contains mythical and symbolic language and imagery, Barth has cut himself off from its objective authority.Doctrine of Sin (240)
[Neo-orthodoxy]'s faith is being moved over into an area where it cannot be subjected to rational scrutiny, and is therefore a completely personal thing beyond the reach and the need of verification.The New Infallibility (280)
As I peruse the Church Dogmatics, I have the consistent experience of excessive verbiage and of ideas that refuse to achieve closure. It is interÂesting and sometimes even instructive to watch a brilÂliant mind play with concepts and subject them to intense scrutiny from every conceivable angle But Barth's dialectical method, which assumes the imposÂsibility of stating divine truth in human words and therefore continually negates and restates its own imÂpossible formulations, could easily and more instructively have simply stated the problem of formulation between two poles of theological statement - and then passed on to another issue, finally providing the reader with a finished dogmatics in no more than three or four volumes, with no loss of content.