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Our discussion of divorce and remarriage must not center on "What saith Shammai?" or "What saith Hillel?" but on "What saith the Lord?"The Divorce Myth, 14

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if a strict view on divorce and remarriage were taught in our churches, there would be fewer divorces among believers. Marriage would be entered into with more caution, and marriage partners would seek to preserve that union at all cost, for there would be no second chance. If for no other reason, a husband's sexual needs will motivate him to maintain the marriage in a healthy condition, for if he fails he will be left to a single life!Divorce Myth, 123-124

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God's commands are His enablings! If you are single due to divorce, know that God will sustain you and minister to you as a single. Don't compromise the teachings of the Bible to justify remarriage just so you can be "fulfilled." Know that the single life can be a fulfilling experience for you as you obey God and trust Him to enable you to live for Him.Divorce Myth, 111

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Since God's "divorce of Israel" is metaphorical, there is no implication that a divorced believer would be biblically qualified for the office of pastor/elder or deacon.Divorce Myth, 106

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If an unbelieving husband divorces his wife, she is no longer bound to her husband, but she is still bound to the law of God. The freedom of a deserted believer does not imply the freedom to marry.Divorce Myth, 87

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Now, how does Ezra 9-10 relate to the issue of divorce and remarriage? This passage of Scripture records a unique situation in which divorce occurred and was in fact commanded when backslidden Jews married Gentile idolators. Such marriages violated the prohibition recorded Deuteronomy 7:1-4, and the situation could be remedied only by separation. This was a unique attempt on the part of the leaders of the restoration community to keep the messianic line pure and the Hebrew faith uncontaminated as a result of mixed marriages with idolatrous heathen.The Divorce Myth, 40

485      2024-01-28     0
Frequently a young pastor will perform a wedding for a divorcee before he has thoroughly considered what the Bible says about the subject. Then some time later the young pastor sits down to examine the teaching of Jesus on the matter of divorce and remarriage. Typically, he will assume he is right until proven wrong, so he concludes that divorce and remarriage is permitted under certain circumstances. His only other alternative is to admit his error and recognize its consequences in the lives of those whose wedding he performed.The Divorce Myth, 12-13

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The United States Census Bureau reports that in 1920 there was one divorce for every seven marriages, in 1940 one divorce for every six marriages, in 1960 one divorce for every four marriages, in 1972 one divorce for every three marriages, and in 1977 one divorce for every two marriages.The Divorce Myth, 12

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The craziest thing about marriage is that one cannot get divorced. We just do not seem to make it out of intimate relationships. It is obviously possible to divide up property and to decide not to live together any more, but it is impossible to go back to being single. Marriage is like a stew that has reversible and irrevocable characteristics that the parts cannot be rid of. Divorce is leaving a part of the self behind, like the rabbit who escapes the trap by gnawing one leg off.NIVAC, Mark (pp. 384-385). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.

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