Remarriage (3)

If an unbelieving husband divorces his wife, she is no longer bound to her husband, but she is still bound to the law of God. The freedom of a deserted believer does not imply the freedom to marry.Divorce Myth, 87

483      2024-01-28     0
Frequently a young pastor will perform a wedding for a divorcee before he has thoroughly considered what the Bible says about the subject. Then some time later the young pastor sits down to examine the teaching of Jesus on the matter of divorce and remarriage. Typically, he will assume he is right until proven wrong, so he concludes that divorce and remarriage is permitted under certain circumstances. His only other alternative is to admit his error and recognize its consequences in the lives of those whose wedding he performed.The Divorce Myth, 12-13

451      2024-01-04     0

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