Quote 2544

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a trembling life destroys the spiritual comforts that flow from God's promises. It also destroys our experience of the promises - the sweetest pleasures we have in this world.

1.5K      2024-02-18     1
Sinful fear arises from unbelief - an unworthy distrust of God. This occurs when we fail to rely upon the security of God's promise; in order words, when we refuse to trust in God's protection.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 12

1.4K      2024-02-14     1
When the terrors of death are great, the comforts of the Almighty are small.

1.3K      2024-02-18     0
The Lord is with us while we are with Him. Satan cannot attempt to ruin us while we are under the wings of God's protection. To do anything to us, he must first force us out from under those wings. Nothing does this more effectively than fear.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 52

1.3K      2024-02-18     0
the awful, filial fear of God is the natural passion sanctified - changed and baptized into the name and nature of a spiritual grace.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 18

757      2024-02-14     0
The sinfulness of fear consists in its power to dispose and incline people to use sinful means to escape danger. This casts them into the hands of temptation.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 18

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The best people find it difficult to keep their thoughts from wandering and their minds from distraction in the greatest calm. It is a thousand times more difficult in the tumult of fear.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 18

686      2024-02-14     0
Under extraordinary fear, both grace and reason, like the wheels of a watch wound above its due height, stand still and have no motion at all.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 17

666      2024-02-14     0
The sinfulness of fear consists in the distracting influence it has upon the heart, whereby it unfits us for the discharge of our duties. At times, fear puts people into such a frenzy, and their thoughts into such disorder, that they receive little support or relief from their graces or from their reason.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 17

614      2024-02-14     0
To trust in any creature as if it had God's power to help us, or to fear any creature as if it had God's power to hurt us, is exceedingly sinful. It provokes God. He condemns such inordinate trust in our text.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 15

594      2024-02-14     0
When we exalt a creature's power by fearing it, we give it ascendancy over us. In effect, we act as if it had arbitrary and absolute dominion over us and our comforts - to do with them whatever it pleases. In so doing, we elevate the creature beyond its class and rank to the place of God. This is a very sinful and evil fear.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 15

567      2024-02-14     0
It is a great sin to love or fear any creature above its worth, as if it were master of all our temporal and eternal comforts.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 14

561      2024-02-14     0
The sinfulness of fear lies in its excess and immoderacy when we fear more than we ought. We might say of our fear, as the philosopher says of water, "It is hard to keep it within bounds."Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 14

563      2024-02-14     0
it is not the mere fear of punishment that restrains him from sin. Loving and revering God as his Father, honoring and obeying him as his Master, although there were no hell, he would revolt at the very idea of offending him.Institutes, Book 1 Chapter 2

1.1K      2017-04-16     0
They pray together, they worship together, they fast together; instructing one another, encouraging one another, strengthening one another... Psalms and hymans they sing to one another, striving to see which one of them will chant more beautifully the praises of their Lord. Hearing and seeing this, Christ rejoices.Ad uxorem, bk2 ch8

1.4K      2016-06-30     0
There is a right fear of God, and we neglect and ignore that at our peril; but there is also a wrong fear of God and that is a craven fear; 'a fear that hath torment'. Those people, I suggest, tend to develop this kind of wrong fear. They regard God as a taskmaster, they regard Him as Someone who is constantly watching to discover faults and blemishes in them, and to punish them accordingly.Spiritual Depression (168)

1.2K      2011-12-27     0
At every forward step and movement, at every going in and out, when we put on our clothes and shoes, when we bathe, when we sit at table, when we light the lamps, on couch, on seat, in all the ordinary actions of daily life, we trace upon the forehead the sign [the cross].Cross of Christ (John Stott) P21

1.4K      2011-09-05     0
Therefore, fear not. Your adversaries can do no more than God grants. And he will grant you the faith you need. These promises are blood bought and sealed. Gospel promises.http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/the-logic-of-fearlessness

We multiply whenever we are mown down by you; the blood of Christians is seed Apologeticus, 50

1.3K      2011-08-07     0

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