Quote 2885

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Christians care about all suffering, especially eternal suffering. Else they have a defective heart or a flameless hell.(Lasaunne conference)

3.4K      2011-08-11        22
Do not lose lying in Abraham's bosom for now lying in Delilah's lap.

2K      2024-02-26        14
The pain of our shattered plans is for the purpose of scattered grace. Suffering and the Sovereignty of God(106)

3.1K      2011-08-07        6
Those who know true joy in the midst of suffering are those who recognize that, in this life, our suffering is never as great or as serious as our sins. Humility: True Greatness (Chapter 11)

1.6K      2011-08-07     2
God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.

2.1K      2011-08-07        2
Sermons of hell may keep many out of hell.

577      2024-04-26     1
There are no lessons so useful as those learned in the school of affliction.

731      2024-01-22     1
As sure as God puts His children in the furnace he will be in the furnace with them.

1.7K      2011-08-07     1
Do you wonder about the trials in your life? Well let me just let you know the purpose of them is to cut away everything in your life, so that Jesus does become your life, and it's worth it.

1.9K      2011-08-07     1
You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy.

2.9K      2011-08-07     1
I want to stay in the habit of 'glancing' at my problems and 'gazing' at my Lord.

1.4K      2011-08-07     1
Sickness, and losses, and crosses, and anxieties, and disappointments seem absolutely needful to keep us humble, watchful, and spiritual minded. Holiness (Chapter 6)

1.6K      2011-08-07     1
Sin is against an infinite God, and the offense being infinite, the punishment must be infinite also.Treatise on Hell

693      2024-04-26     0
The reason why the reformation succeeded so well in Germany was because the peoples catechizing went allong with Luthers preaching. It was laid as a charge upon masters of families, that they should catechize their children

742      2024-02-26     0
If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart.

770      2024-02-04     0
God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way.

724      2024-01-23     0
I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages

705      2024-01-15     0
The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.

666      2024-01-15     0
God answered Job's questions not with words but with himself.

1.1K      2024-01-14     0
sometimes God chooses to bless us and make us people of integrity in the midst of abominable circumstances, rather than change our circumstances.

741      2024-01-04     0
How far less [are] the greatest afflictions that we meet with in this world...than we have deserved! The Works of Jonathan Edwards (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997), (Page 321)

1.5K      2011-08-07     0
God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist.

1.3K      2011-08-07     0
Just as a small fire is extinguished by the storm whereas a large fire is enhanced by it-likewise a weak faith is weakened by predicament and catastrophes whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them.

1.3K      2011-08-07     0
To this I added, suppose a kingdom had long been overrun by the enemies of its true king, and he though possessed of sufficient power to conquer them, should yet suffer them to prevail, and establish themselves as much as they could desire, would not the valor and wisdom of that king be far more conspicuous in exterminating them, than it would have been if he had opposed them at first, and prevented their entering the country? Thus by the diffusion of gospel light, the wisdom, power, and grace of God will be more conspicuous in overcoming such deep-rooted idolatries, and in destroying all that darkness and vice which have so universally prevailed in this country, than they would have been if all had not been suffered to walk in their own ways for so many ages past.

1.4K      2011-08-07     0
The painful things that come into our lives are not described by God as accidental or as out of his control. This would be no comfort. That God cannot stop a germ or a car or a bullet or a demon is not good news; it is not the news of the Bible. God can. And ten thousand times he does. But when he doesn't, he has his reasons. And in Christ Jesus they are all loving. We are taught this sovereignty so that we will drink it in till it saturates our bones. A Sweet and Bitter Providence, 136-37

1.3K      2011-08-07     0

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