Hell (13)

Hell has many gates, though heaven has just one.

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How averse are our souls to anything that is spiritual! How many excuses, pretences, delays will they make! To sin man needs no tutor; he can ride post to hell without a spur

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There are many in hell, who would be glad to change conditions with you, as bad as you think yours to be.

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There are many now in hell who have had a great confidence of going to heaven.

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Sermons of hell may keep many out of hell.

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If one evil thought, if one evil word, if one evil action, deserves eternal damnation, how many hells, my friends, do every one of us deserve, whose whole lives have been one continued rebellion against God!

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Dreadful is their case who go loaded with sermons to hell.

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A man may go idle to Hell, but he who will go to Heaven, must be diligent.

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What lust is so valuable that it is worth burning in hell for?

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The house of the godly is a little church; just as the house of the wicked is a little hell.

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Hell is truth known too late.

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It is hell to be without God. The philosopher says there can be no gold without the influence of the sun; certainly there can be no golden joy in the soul without God's sweet presence and influence.The Ten Commandments, 8

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