if one accepts some terms of the Decalogue as normative for Christians, one must accept all. This document must be received as a package, beginning with the preamble and ending with the command against coveting. The principles are cast as absolute and unconditional commands, without qualification, and for the most part without declared motivation.
The Decalogue envisions a community that has been freed from the tyranny of Egypt but would be under the constant threat of those with social and economic power behaving like little pharaohs.For the Glory of God (87)
Our work is not only to alter vicious habits, but to mortify the corrupt natural affections which bred these habits; not only to deny the fulfilling of sinful lusts, but to be full of holy love and desires. Yet even restraining the execution of corrupt lusts, and opposing them by contrary actings, is in many cases like "cutting off a right hand, and plucking out a right eye" (Mat. 5:29-30). The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
the people were commanded to spend two days in preparing themselves, by a ceremonial cleansing from all external pollution, before they were ready to stand in the presence of God ( Exodus 19:10,11). This teaches us that serious preparation of heart and mind must be made before we come to wait before God in His ordinances and receive a word at His mouth
Another great mystery in the way of sanctification, is the glorious manner of our fellowship with Christ, in receiving a holy frame of heart from Him. It is by our being in Christ, and having Christ Himself in us; not merely by His universal presence as He is God, but by such a close union that we are one spirit and one flesh with Him.https://www.heritagebooks.org/products/the-gospel-mystery-of-sanctification-marshall.html
We are, by nature, dead in trespasses and sins, unable to will or to do anything that is spiritually good, notwithstanding the redemption that is by Christ, until we are actually quickened by Christ (Eph. 2:1; Rom. 8:7-9).The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
This persuasion of our future enjoyment of everlasting happiness cannot tend to licentiousness, if we understand well, that perfect holiness is a necessary part of that happiness; and that though we have a title to that happiness by free justification an adoption, yet we must go to the possession of it in the way of holiness (1Joh. 3:1-3). The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
Original corruption, by which we are dead to God and to godliness from the birth, and made willing slaves to the performance of all actual sins, until the Son of God makes us free. It consists in a propensity and inclination of the heart to sin, and an averseness to holiness.The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
Sanctification, by which our hearts and lives are conformed to the law, is a grace of God communicated to us by means, just like justification; and by means of teaching, and learning something that we cannot see without the Word (Acts 26:17-18)The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
the moral law. That is summed up in the Ten Commandments, and more briefly in those two great commandments of love to God and our neighbor (Mat. 22:37, 39); it is more largely explained throughout the Holy Scriptures.The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
we must meditate believingly on Christ's saving benefits as they are discovered in the gospel, which is the only doctrine which is the power of God to our salvation, and whereby the quickening Spirit is ministered to us, and that is able to build us upThe Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
You cannot love God if you are under the continual secret suspicion that he is really your enemy! … You simply cannot love God unless you know and understand how much he loves you. … In the gospel, you can come to know that God truly loves you through Christ. When you have this assurance, you can even love your enemies, because you know that you are reconciled to God. You know that God's love will make people's hatred of you work together for your good.The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ
If you fall into any gross sin, after the work is begun in you, as David and Peter did, think not that you must cast away your confidence, and expect nothing but wrath from God and Christ, and that you must refuse to be comforted by the grace of Christ, at least for some time; for thus you would be the more weak and prone to fall into other sins: but rather strive to believe more confidently, that you have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and that he is the propitiation for our sinsThe Gospel Mystery of Sanctification
If you make your own faith, love, or good qualifications, to be your first principal foundation, and you build Christ upon them, instead of building all upon Christ, you invert the order of the gospel, and Christ will profit you nothing.
We should interpret this document not as a law code but as a foundational covenant document, intended to create a picture of life within the community of faith governed by covenant principles.For the Glory of God (85)