Joy (17)

As soon as we raise our minds to heaven, we there behold vast grounds of joy which dispel sadness.

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A heavenly mind is a joyful mind; this is the nearest and truest way to live a life of comfort, and without this you must need be uncomfortable. Can a man be at a fire and not be warm? Can your heart be in heaven, and not have comfort?

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We can do nothing well without joy, and a good conscience, which is the ground of joy.

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Let not your sense of sin quench your joy of pardon.

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A lively impression of his love, or of his sufferings for us, or of the glories within the veil, accompanied with a due sense of the misery from which we are redeemed; these thoughts will enable us to be not only submissive, but even joyful, in tribulations.

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Spiritual things truly satisfy! The more that heaven is in us—the less earth that will content us. He who has once tasted the love of God, his thirst is much quenched towards earthly things. The joys of God's Spirit are heart-filling and heart-cheering joys; he who has these, has heaven begun in him!

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The reason why our souls are so empty of joy, is because our mouths are empty of prayer. Both prayer and praise widens the heart for receiving more of Christ's fullness.Works 1 - 33

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The more cheerful we are in our duty the more constant we shall be to it.

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New Quotes

Holy joy is the oil to the wheels of our obedience.

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This persuasion of our future enjoyment of everlasting happiness cannot tend to licentiousness, if we understand well, that perfect holiness is a necessary part of that happiness; and that though we have a title to that happiness by free justification an adoption, yet we must go to the possession of it in the way of holiness (1Joh. 3:1-3). The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification: Growing in Holiness by Living in Union with Christ

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Is there nothing that will preserve holy boldness, enthusiastic activity, and overflowing joyfulness? Yes, there is. The recipe is found in remembering the living Jesus.

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There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.

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Joy is something very deep and profound, something that affects the whole and entire personality. In other words it comes to this; there is only one thing that can give true joy and that is contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. He satisfies my mind; He satisfies my emotions; He satisfies my every desire. He and His great salvation include the whole personality and nothing less, and in Him I am complete. Joy, in other words, is the response and the reaction of the soul to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.Life in Christ, 30

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Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose, only upon the Beloved who will never pass away.

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If you want to try your hand at stoicism, forget the Bible. It has little for you. Scripture does not support the idea that our motives are more pure the less we are pursuing our own joy. Nope. In fact, according to the Bible, unless we are pursuing our happiness we cannot even come to God: for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6).

the Christian tastes God in all his or her pleasures, and this increases them, whereas for other people pleasure brings with it a sense of hollowness which reduces it. God Has Spoken (14)

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