Duty (3)

To obey God, is not so much our duty as our privilege; his commands carry meat in the mouth of them. He bids us repent; and why? That our sins may be blotted out. Acts iii 19. He commands us to believe: and why? That we may be saved. Acts xvi 31. There is love in every command: as if a king should bid one of his subjects dig in a gold mine, and then take the gold to himself.The Ten Commandments, 6

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Willingness is the soul of obedience. God sometimes accepts of willingness without the work, but never of the work without willingness. Cheerfulness shows that there is love in the duty; and love is to our services what the sun is to fruit; it mellows and ripens them, and makes them come off with a better relish.The Ten Commandments, 2

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