we read in Acts viii.29: "And the Spirit said unto Philip, GO near, and join thyself to this chariot." It does not say that this thought arose in him, but that a speaking took placePrinciples of Sacred Theology, 442
The Bible does not tell you which person to marry, or which car to drive, or whether to own a home, where you take your vacation, what cell-phone plan to buy, or which brand of orange juice to drink. Or a thousand other choices you must make.
What is necessary is that we have a renewed mind, that is so shaped and so governed by the revealed will of God in the Bible, that we see and assess all relevant factors with the mind of Christ, and discern what God is calling us to do. This is very different from constantly trying to hear God's voice saying do this and do that. People who try to lead their lives by hearing voices are not in sync with Romans 12:2.http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/sermons/what-is-the-will-of-god-and-how-do-we-know-it
[The Bible] frees us to develop our own thoughts and feelings, since we don't have to look for God within our hearts-which is where we are most vulnerable to self-deception and technologies of manipulation. Good News for Anxious Christians (14)
Liberal theology is a strategy that develops when you can't believe in Christian doctrine anymore, but you want to keep being a Christian, so you base your faith on Christian experience instead.Good News for Anxious Christians (179)
By trying to identify which voice in our hearts is God's we not only misidentify God, we fail to know ourselves for who we really are. Good News for Anxious Christians (8)
I think the attempt to make the gospel "relevant" is irrelevant to someone who knows Christ. It's boring, because it's about an imaginary Christ designed for those who define themselves in consumerist terms. Good News for Anxious Christians (165)
The practice of listening for God's voice in your heart is a very new development and it's deeply flawed. It has only recently displaced Scripture as the most important way, in the view of many Christians, that God reveals Himself to us, thanks in no small part to widespread promotion of the idea by otherwise evangelical churches and youth groups. Relevant Magazine Article: Is This God's Voice or Mine?
many young people who couldn't recite all Ten Commandments if their life depended on it get up in the morning and "listen" for God to tell them what to do that day. For them, the revealed will of God has been replaced by the thoughts of their own hearts. Good News for Anxious Christians (64)
the divine authority given to a preacher of the gospel: you're a beggar giving other beggars nothing less than Christ, the bread of life. Good News for Anxious Christians (172)