Identity (14)

By trying to identify which voice in our hearts is God's we not only misidentify God, we fail to know ourselves for who we really are. Good News for Anxious Christians (8)

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give me leave to further you in it; and to the fame end, to lay before you certain considerations; wherein we may all of us see enough to make us vile in our own eyes. Consider we therefore: 1. What have we done? How many Sabbaths have we profaned? How many opportunities of exalting God have we lit slip? How many Sermons have we sleighted? How many Lords Suppers by unpreparednesse and irreverence polluted? How in our love and fear, hath every vanity been set up, and God debased? How low, and seldom is God in our thoughts? How little is God extolled by our tongues? How far are our actions from advancing his name in the world?

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Against whom have we exalted ourselves? Is it not against the Highest? A trespass against an ordinary man, being committed against the King, proves treason. Do not our hearts tremble? Were it against a King, it were too much, His wrath is as the messenger of death; But what is it then against the Kings King? against that God that infinitely surpasses all Princes of the earth in glory?

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Thus, in their efforts to be like God, believers ought to focus on God's nature as Father and our nature as his children. Instead of asking, "What would Jesus do?" we should ask, "Who is God our Father, and what does it mean to be his child?"Pillar Commentary, Ephesians

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we cannot fashion our own identities in a vacuum according to our own self-determination. Our identity is inextricably grounded in the fatherhood of God.

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It is clear that sexual and gender identities now trump family identity. The state is not only increasingly pitting these two forces against each other, but it seems ready and willing to step in and enforce the subjugation of the family to the autonomous sexual self.

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How I feel does not tell me who I am. Only God can tell me who I am, because he made me and takes care of me. He tells me that we are all born as male and female image bearers with souls that will last forever and gendered bodies that will either suffer eternally in hell or be glorified in the New Jerusalem.

Calling God's sexual ethic hate speech does Satan's bidding. This is Orwellian nonsense or worse. I only know who I really am when the Bible becomes my lens for self-reflection, and when the blood of Christ so powerfully pumps my heart whole that I can deny myself, take up the cross, and follow him.

When we find our identity in Christ, we have the joy of parenting for the glory of God rather than the burden of parenting to try and prove our own worth own identity.

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The past experience of dying with him and being raised with him is the basis for our present status as people whose heavenly identity is real and secure, yet hidden, an identity that will be gloriously manifested in the futureThe letters to the Colossians and to Philemon (p. 244). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.

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New Testament Christians did not think of themselves as "Christians"! But if not, how did they think of themselves? Contrast these descriptors with the overwhelmingly dominant way the New Testament describes believers. It is that we are "in Christ." The expression, in one form or another, occurs well over one hundred times in Paul's thirteen letters.The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters (p. 45). Crossway

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Farewell world, thy gold is dross. Now I see the bleeding cross. Jesus died to set me free, From the law and sin and thee. He has dearly bought my soul, Lord accept and claim the whole. To Thy will I all resign, Now no more my own but Thine.Hymn

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"Here am I." Isaiah could still speak in terms of "I". He still had an identity. He still had a personality. Far from God seeking to destroy the "self", as many distortions of Christianity would claim, God redeems the self. He heals the self so that it may be useful and fulfilled in the missions to which the person is called. The Holiness of God (End of Chapter 2)

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