Quote 799

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No man preaches a sermon well to others who does not first preach it to his own heart.

5.8K      2016-03-16        23
Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you.Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers Chapter 2

3.5K      2016-05-05        18
Without absolutes revealed from God Himself, we are left rudderless in a sea of conflicting ideas.

1.7K      2024-04-27     8
It is better that our affections exceed our light from the defect of our understandings, than that our light exceed our affections from the corruption of our wills.Works, Vol 1. 401

1.6K      2017-04-08     4
A minister may fill his pews, his communion roll, the mouths of the public, but what that minister is on his knees in secret before God Almighty, that he is and no more.

2.9K      2017-03-26        3
Maybe the atheist cannot find God for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman.

1.5K      2011-08-07     2
Years are slipping away and time is flying. Graveyards are filling up and families are thinning. Death and judgement are getting nearer to us all. And yet you live like one asleep about your soul! What madness! What folly! What suicide can be worse than this? Awake before it is too late; awake, and arise from the dead, and live to God. Turn to Him who is sitting at the right hand of God, to be your Saviour and Friend. Turn to Christ, and cry mightily to Him about your soul. Holiness (Chapter 6)

3.5K      2011-08-07     2
[Sin] cannot be killed without a sense of pain and trouble. Hence it is compared to the cutting off of right hands, and the plucking out of right eyes.https://ccel.org/ccel/owen/pneum/pneum.i.viii.viii.html

1.2K      2024-06-02        1
We do not have the ability in ourselves to accomplish the least of God's tasks. This is the law of grace.

1.2K      2024-04-30     1
He that hath slight thoughts of sin never had great thoughts of God.

2.1K      2024-01-10        1
Holiness is nothing but the implanting, writing and living out the gospel in our souls

1.2K      2024-01-10     1
no man preacheth that sermon well that doth not first preach it to his own heart-If the word do not dwell with power in us, it will not pass with power from us

2.4K      2020-03-10     1
How foolish are they who know not God! So many good things before their eyes, yet Him Who Is they fail to see.Confessions (Ch. Conversion)

1.6K      2016-05-10     1
When a Russian cosmonaut returned from space and reported that he had not found God, C.S. Lewis responded that this was like Hamlet going into the attic of his castle looking for Shakespeare. If there is a God, he wouldn't be another object in the universe that could be put in a lab and analyzed with empirical methods. He would relate to us the way a playwright relates to the characters in his play. We (characters) might be able to know quite a lot about the playwright, but only to the degree the author chooses to put information about himself in the play. The Reason for God (122)

2K      2011-08-07     1
And, moreover, there is no less fatal mistake where we make the object of this duty to be only some particular lusts, or the fruits of them in actual sins, as was before observed. This is the way with many. They will make head against some sins, which on one account or other they find themselves most concerned in; but if they will observe their course, they shall find with how little success they do it. For the most part, sin gets ground upon them, and they continually groan under the power of its victories; and the reason is, because they mistake their business. Contests against particular sins are only to comply with light and convictions. Mortification, with a design for holiness, respects the body of sin, the root and all its branches. The first will miscarry, and the latter will be successful.https://ccel.org/ccel/owen/pneum/pneum.i.viii.viii.html

673      2024-06-02     0
Lusts that pretend to be useful to the state and condition of men, that are pleasant and satisfactory to the flesh, will not be mortified without such a violence as the whole soul shall be deeply sensible of. https://ccel.org/ccel/owen/pneum/pneum.i.viii.viii.html

578      2024-06-02     0
Two men cannot be one, because they have two souls, no more could we be one with Christ were it not the same Spirit in him and us.

678      2024-05-24     0
I no way doubt but that many men do receive more grace from God than they understand or will own, and have a greater efficacy of it in them than they will believe. Men may be really saved by that grace which doctrinally they do deny; and they may be justified by the imputation of that righteousness, which, in opinion, they deny to be imputed: for the faith of it is included in that general assent which they give unto the truth of the gospel, and such an adherence unto Christ may ensue thereon, as that their mistake of the way whereby they are saved by him shall not defaud them of a real interest therein.Justification by Faith, 164

682      2024-05-23     0
Temptations and occasions put nothing into man, but only draw out what was in him before.

841      2024-05-22     0
We are prone to think that we are very willing to have forgiveness, but that God is unwilling to bestow it… but indeed things are quite otherwise.

1K      2024-05-02     0
We see the main cause of unbelief and despair. It is ignorance of the Father's interest in redemption; the ignorance of the transaction between the Father and the Son is the cause of this, 'because they know not him who sent me.'

893      2024-04-26     0
There is no need of traditions, no need of miracles, no need of the authority of any churches, to convince a rational creature that the works of God are his, and his only; and that he is eternal and infinite in power that made them. They carry about with them their own authority. By being what they are, they declare whose they are.Of the Divine Original

835      2024-02-03     0
To openly defy Him who is clothed with omnipotence, who can rend us in pieces or cast us into Hell any moment He pleases, is the very height of insanity.

1.1K      2024-01-22     0
Do not seek to empty your cup as a way to avoid sin, but rather seek to fill it up with the Spirit of life, so there is no longer room for sin.

0.9K      2024-01-10     0
There is no way of deliverance from the state and condition of being in the flesh, but by the Spirit of Christ.

831      2024-01-10     0

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