Contemplation (4)

In your thoughts of Christ, be very careful that they are conceived and directed according to the rule of the word, lest you deceive your own souls, and give up the conduct of your affections unto vain imaginations... [But] we are not to forego our duty [to contemplate Christ] because other men have been mistaken in theirs, nor part with practical, fundamental principles of religion because they have been abused by superstition... Yet I must say that I had rather be among them who, in the actings of their love and affection unto Christ, do fall into some irregularities and excesses int eh manner of expressing it... than among those who, professing themselves to be Christians, do almost disavow their having any thoughts of or affection unto the person of Christ.Works Vol 7, 345-46

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Where light leaves the affections behind, it ends in formality and or atheism; where affections outrun light they sink into the bog of superstition, doting on images and picture or the like.Works, Vol 1. 401

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The spiritual intense fixation of the mind, by contemplation on God in Christ, until the soul be as it were swallowed up in admiration and delight, and being brought unto an utter loss, through the infiniteness of those excellencies which it doth admire and adore... are things to be aimed at in prayer, and which, through the riches of divine condescension, are frequently enjoyed.Works, Vol 4. 329-30

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