Quote 859

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A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross. The Kingdom of God in America (1937), New York: Harper and Row, 1959, p. 193

3.3K      2011-08-07        13
A liberal Protestant, a liberal Catholic, and a liberal Jew can agree on almost everything, because they believe almost nothing! Proclaiming A Cross-Centered Theology (24)

3.4K      2011-08-07        13
Almost every single collapse involving denominations and churches in regard to historic Christian beliefs can be traced back to a degradation in that group's view of the Bible as the inspired and inerrant revelation of God's truth.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 43). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

1.7K      2017-01-22     3
When I turned my eye back to the emerging church or back to my friend's classic liberalism, I saw that at the center of it all stood a denial of the authority of the Word of God. These people read the Bible and preached the Bible and wrote about the Bible and professed to honor the Bible, but all the while they denied the full authority of the Bible. They accepted God's Word on their own terms. But God gives us no such option. To take the Bible at any terms but its own is to reject the Bible altogether.http://www.challies.com/articles/why-i-am-not-liberal

1.4K      2016-06-04     3
Liberal theology is a succession of rescue attempts for the reputation of Christianity.http://t4g.org/media/2012/04/inerrancy-panel-v/

1.8K      2012-04-25     2
[The Bible] frees us to develop our own thoughts and feelings, since we don't have to look for God within our hearts-which is where we are most vulnerable to self-deception and technologies of manipulation. Good News for Anxious Christians (14)

1.6K      2011-08-07     2
the crucial way to fight against false teaching is to preach the gospel of Christ well. Good News for Anxious Christians (190)

2.3K      2011-08-07     2
it may be said to be characteristic of the whole of modern liberal theology, with its emphasis on the goodness of man, that it has lost sight of the necessity of the saving grace of God.Systematic Theology, 431

2.4K      2016-08-16     1
It is a profound embarrassment to liberal leadership that during its hegemony, the seminaries, and the bureaucracies, the churches have lost ground in a massive membership haemorrhage. Liberals go into a cold sweat trying to explain how, while they owned the infrastructure, the money, the publications, and the leadership, they failed even to hold membership steady. They still nurture the fantasy that they have the high moral ground on sexuality issues, politically correct policing, and standard liberal theological issues such as universal salvation. The liberal leadership is now faced with the desperate dilemma of trying to secure trust and support from its ever-diminishing number of constituents.The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 149

1.4K      2016-07-12     1
When a young person has to label the voices in her heart "God" in order to believe they're worth listening to, she doesn't really believe it's OK for her to be perceptive about her situation, that it's OK to realize her boyfriend is bad for her and do something about it. In short, she doesn't realize she has a right to be a morally responsible adult. This new theology has undermined her sense of responsibility and self-knowledge-not to mention her faith in God as a real person who exists outside her own thoughts. Relevant Magazine Article: Is This God's Voice or Mine?

1.5K      2011-08-07     1
By trying to identify which voice in our hearts is God's we not only misidentify God, we fail to know ourselves for who we really are. Good News for Anxious Christians (8)

1.4K      2011-08-07     1
I think the attempt to make the gospel "relevant" is irrelevant to someone who knows Christ. It's boring, because it's about an imaginary Christ designed for those who define themselves in consumerist terms. Good News for Anxious Christians (165)

1.6K      2011-08-07     1
The new liberal theology, because it says that the Bible does not touch the cosmos or history, has no real basis for applying the Bible's values in a historic situation, in either morals or law. Everything religious is in the area of nonreason, and since reason has no place there, there is no room for discussion; there are only arbitrary pronouncements.How Should We Then Live, 199

1.4K      2024-02-11     0
When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death.

1.7K      2011-08-07     0
The practice of listening for God's voice in your heart is a very new development and it's deeply flawed. It has only recently displaced Scripture as the most important way, in the view of many Christians, that God reveals Himself to us, thanks in no small part to widespread promotion of the idea by otherwise evangelical churches and youth groups. Relevant Magazine Article: Is This God's Voice or Mine?

1.4K      2011-08-07     0
many young people who couldn't recite all Ten Commandments if their life depended on it get up in the morning and "listen" for God to tell them what to do that day. For them, the revealed will of God has been replaced by the thoughts of their own hearts. Good News for Anxious Christians (64)

1.4K      2011-08-07     0
the divine authority given to a preacher of the gospel: you're a beggar giving other beggars nothing less than Christ, the bread of life. Good News for Anxious Christians (172)

1.3K      2011-08-07     0

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