Body (3)

We take it for granted that we are born with hinged bones to provide low-friction articulations, eye protectors (eyelids), tears secreted by the lachrymal glands to lubricate the eyes so that they don't feel scratchy, and an optic nerve to transmit electrical impulses to the brain to decode visual cues so that we can know where we are. We shrug off as unremarkable the fact that broken bones will, unlike broken vases, mend, or the fact that minor wounds will heal by the process to which medical people refer with a complacent lack of affect as "bodily regeneration."Taking Leave of Darwin, 113-114

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This fear of aging and a desperate need to hide and change the body that you were given has to stop. Aging is a gift that so many people do not get to experience and here and in this body, being you- uniquely you, an individual... is also a gift.. And we've forgotten that.

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