Business (3)

Morally debased cultures tend to be controlled by a few wealthy people. Their riches come from power, extortion, and war, not honest and diligent work. "The ease of doing business" is always at a low ebb in a culture of corruption.This Book Changed Everything, 25

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During the difficult years of the Great Depression, LeTourneau's manufacturing business was blessed by God. In 1932, his yearly net profit was $52,000; in 1934 it ballooned to $340,000, and by 1938 it was a staggering $1.4 million, which amounts to almost $30 million today. What was R.G.'s secret? The Lord gifted him with an engineer's mind, an adventurous streak, and an incredible work ethic. But it was his commitment to the Lord as his business partner that he emphasized whenever he had the opportunity to speak on the subject.Deep Discipleship, 138

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